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"Sir I was just- "

The angry guard cut Jimin off who was trying to explain himself. He instantaneously noticed the padlock chain around his neck.

He held the chain squinting his eyes, "A fucking slave?", then let it go.

The guard became furious.

He stomped towards Jimin which made him take a few steps back.


Jimin's eyes got bigger and his heartbeat started getting faster. 'The crown prince-'

"S-sir! Please listen to me! It was on the ground! I was just picking it up!"


The guard didn't even want to listen to any explanation the innocent dancer was trying to give.

Jimin tried to say something again, but the guard suddenly grabbed the t-shirt he was wearing. So tightly that the t-shirt tore a little.

When Jimin was in Ruvana, apart from the lords, their workers and the nobles who used to visit them to watch their performances, he was mostly surrounded by people who were also slaves like him. Life was hard, but he never been into a situation like this before where he had to fear for his life. Yes, he always had to live in the fear of getting punished by the lords if he made any mistake. Nevertheless the greedy man would not kill a talent like Jimin who earned him money.

But here he could be shoved in jail, punished or even worse, executed, to have the audacity to thief from the crown prince.

Jimin was sweating, his heart was beating faster and faster, breathe was getting heavier. He was scared. But more than that he was worried.

Not for himself, but for his family.

Hoseok and Jihyo.

But Jimin was not a weak person. He was wrongly accused there. And the guard was trying to show his dominance because of him being a slave.

Jimin calmed his breathe and closed his eyes. He then looked right back at the guard who was still holding his t-shirt in his grip.

"Let go, Sir!"

"I didn't do anything wrong." Jimin said in a stern voice.

The guard halted looking at the slave's fiery eyes.

His grip on Jimin's collar loosened; and the dancer freed himself out of his hand, again taking few steps back away from him.

At that point none of them realised the crown prince was looking at them from a distance.

Jungkook recognised the dancer.

He quickly understood what was going on between the dancer and his guard.

The guard was yelling because the dancer allegedly stole his wallet. Jungkook noticed the wallet in the guard's hand, and scanned his pocket.
'Did I drop it?'

The situation quickly got out of hands when the guard grabbed the dancer by his cloth.

Jungkook frowned at the sight of it.

But before he could make a move Jimin glared at the guard declaring his innocence.

The look in his eyes, even though it was obvious that he was scared of that guard at that moment. Jungkook noticed the dancer's hands were mildly trembling. But he was brave enough to stand for his right. Even though he was just a slave.

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