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'When will he let go of my hand?'

Taehyung was holding Jimin by his wrist, while Jimin was having trouble keeping up with the handsome tall man's long steps. But he was unable to oppose to that situation.

'Where is he even taking me!?'

The dancer was hesitating if he should say something or just stay silent when a man he never met before was taking him somewhere without telling him anything; even if it was the good man who saved him from the rude guard and was a nobility, while he was just a slave.

But he decided to speak up after being dragged for few minutes.

"M-my lord!"

Taehyung stopped. He looked back.
Seeing the dancer glancing at him first then at their intertwined hands, "Ah. AHHH opps!" he immediately let go of Jimin's hand.

"Sorry! Did I hurt you?" He expressed his concern.

Jimin rubbed his hands and then smiled. "No, I'm fine, my lord."

Taehyung's hasty action made him little embarrassed, so he scratched the back of his head.

"You were down bad there! You know world is not fair for people who don't have power. It's sad bad true."

Jimin stared at the man who just let out a wise piece of advise. He bowed before the noble man in gratitude for saving him from the bad situation he was in.

"I'm so thankful! Thank you for saving me, my lord. I'll always be grateful for your kindness."

Taehyung neither answered back anything nor gave any confirmation nod, instead he scanned Jimin narrowing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows.

"You look oddly familiar.. Where did I see you before?" He started thinking hard while Jimin remained silent lowering his eyes.


"You're one of those dancers from Ruvana right? I saw your dance at the party! It was awesome!!!"

The sparkling eyes of the good-looking noble man made Jimin sweat a little.

"Yes, my lord. "

Taehyung nodded in agreement as he was right in recognising him.

"But what're you doing here?"

"Our team was told to come here, my lord. The royal musician, lord Min Yoongi told us to meet him."

Now the noble man's sparkling eyes became wide in shock. And seeing them Jimin puzzled.



The sudden loud and excited tone of Taehyung's caught Jimin off guard. He flinched hearing it.

"Y-yes?...... I mean No! How can we know the royal musician. He just called us here because he was impressed by my hyung's performance at the party. So he wanted to talk to us, I don't know what's it about. But the guard didn't let me in, they said they don't want slaves like us crowding inside. So only hyung went to meet him."

Taehyung silently listened to Jimin's every word.

'He sure can talk.. Cute.'

After hearing everything Jimin had to say, a gentle smile formed on his face. "He invited you guys, a reticent person like him. He must have really liked your group."

The dancer smiled at the sudden compliment.

"Okay, then give me your number."

"Yes, my lord."

Royally Yours (Jikook AU📱📲)Where stories live. Discover now