
34 1 0

Alex p.o.v
I tried to be quiet so I can collect my thoughts when all of a sudden Nicole punched evy across the face. I went to go see if evy was alright when Nicole screamed. "YOU WOULD CHECK ON HER INSTEAD OF ME." I didn't know what to say so I don't say anything. Nicole ran outside and I grabbed evys arm and helped her up. "thanks" she said looking down. I nodded. Diego stood awkwardly in the back so I asked "can we see Mark?" evy nodded and we followed her through the hallways. We saw Mark in a hospital bed. His head in bandages and wires in him. I heard Diego gasp as I'm pretty sure that I gasped myself. "so is Umm... Catcher... You know... " Diego trailed off. " yeah he's gone" evy said looking down again. I grabbed her hand even though my instincts screamed not to. She smiled at me and accepted it. Diego went inside and sat next to mark. I went next time him still holding evys hand. Hailey came a half hour later with Nicole but when Nicole saw mine and evys hand intertwined together she stormed out and Hailey followed after her. We stayed for a few hours before we left when the doctors said that he would call if any progress was made. Since Nicole was no where to be found evy gave us a ride she drove Diego home and I gave him a hug before he left. I asked evy to drive me home. She did. But before I got out she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I got out with the hugest smile I've had. I went inside and fell into the deepest sleep where I dreamt if me and evy.

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