1. Childhood

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Mama said that people R coming to live next to us. We will go see them today!!

But the best thing is, I WILL SEE MY BEST FRIEND TODAY!!

Zee also lives next me!! But My mama said that we should not be annoying

What even is that?

Zayn lives on the right, the new people on the left... Or is it the opposite? I dunno. I'm not sure about my lefts and rights, but mama said that is Ok


Liam quickly hid his diary under his pillow and ran out of his room "Coming mummy!!"

He met his mother who was standing by the door and she smiled

She got down and pushed his hair away from his face

"The neighbors have a son around your age"

Liam perked up and clapped "Another friend for me and Zayn!!"

Liam's mother shook her head before she stood up, she gave Liam her hand and they walked out

Liam looked around from side to side before he frowned

"Where is-" He gasped "ZEE!!"

Zayn dropped his mother's hand and smiled, the 2 young ones ran into one another and hugged tightly

Their mothers smiled but shook their heads

Liam pulled away and jumped in his place "Let's go!! I wanna see the new people"

Zayn frowned but nodded, the 4 walked together towards the neighbors house

There stood a woman, with 2 boys, she saw the 4 coming and gave them a small smile

Liam smiled and waved "Hello!! I'm Liam" He pointed at Zayn who was also smiling "This is Zayn"

The woman laughed "Hi Liam" She pointed at the smaller one of the boys "This is Niall" She said then pointed at the older one "And this is Jeff"

Liam and Zayn's mother's introduced themselves

Liam looked at Jeff with his eyes wide "Oh waw. How is he that big?" He whispered, looking at Niall while Zayn's eyes were wide open

Niall looked at his older brother then at Liam "He is old"

Jeff looked at Niall and frowned "I am 16..."

Liam looked at Zayn "How old is that?"

Zayn blinked then leaned into Liam and whispered "Very,"

Jeff rolled his eyes and walked away

Liam looked at Niall again "Do you want to be friends?"

"Hey..." Zayn whispered with a frown

Liam quickly shook his head "Mine and Zayn's friend"

Zayn pouted but didn't say anything, Niall smiled hesitantly and shrugged "Ok"

Liam's mother looked at Niall's mother "Would you like to join us for dinner tonight? I doubt you and your husband would have the time to cook dinner"

"Oh uh... I don't have a husband"

"Oh..." "Oh" "Huh?" "Huuuuh?"

Jeff walked out of the house followed by another woman

"I have a wife"

Liam and Zayn furrowed their brows and looked up at their mothers

The women were both silent before they smiled

"My offer still stands, join us for dinner?"

The woman's eyes widened before she looked at her wife then back ahead, she smiled and nodded "I'll let you know..."


"Will Niall take you away?" Zayn whispered

Liam quickly looked at him, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped "What? How will that happen?"

Zayn shrugged "I dunno." He said then looked at his hands

Liam quickly tackled Zayn down and hugged him tightly

Zayn smiled and hugged Liam back

"You're my bestest best friend"

Zayn looked at him "Forever?"

Liam nodded "Yeah!!"


Liam stood up and helped Zayn up before they walked downstairs

Niall, jeff and their mothers stood there. Liam waved while Zayn gripped his other arm

Liam looked at Zayn "That's not nice" He whispered

Zayn sighed and waved with a smile

All the boys went into the living room, Niall sitting closer to Jeff while Liam and Zayn sitting together

"Do you like ice cream?" Liam suddenly said

Niall's eyes widened and he nodded "Yeah"

Liam perked up "Me too!!" He elbowed Zayn

"Me too" He rushed out "Liam's mum makes nice cookies and we put ice cream inside, it's always good"

Liam perked up "You should do it with us!!"

Niall looked at Zayn the at Liam but stayed quiet, Liam looked at Zayn and gave him a look

"Do not be mean!!"

Zayn huffed and looked away, Jeff looked between the 2 then shook his head before he stood up and walked out of the room

Zayn looked at Niall "Liam is my friend first"

Niall nodded "I know"

Zayn stayed quiet then smiled "Good"

Liam laughed and shook his head, he sat closer to Zayn and patted beside him

"Come Niall"

Niall got off the couch he was sitting on and went to sit closer to the other 2

The 3 talked, and talked and when it came time to have dinner, they had to force themselves to not talk with their mouths full

Liam found a new friend Zayn felt comfortable around, Zayn found a new friend he wasn't worried would take his best friend away

And Niall finally has friends who didn't call him weird for having 2 mothers

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