2.14 Together

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"I wanna be James bond" Liam said while walking across the street "I wanna be like PEW PEW MOTHER FUCKER YOU DEAD!"

Zayn chuckled "Alright calm down, you shouldn't be screaming that in the middle of the streets"

"I can be like... The gay younger more fun James bond."

Zayn nodded "Of course you can"

"I'll throw a puppy at someone and insted of wanting to kill people they'll just want to protect the puppy"

"Babes, and if the puppy gets hurt it's John wick in the OO7 universe"

"Yeaaaah.... But that's where you come in?"

Zayn furrowed his brows "Me?"

"Yes, you see. In the OO7 universe, you'll be a vet, not a surgeon. And you'll be saving the puppies!"

Zayn smiled "That's lovely isn't it?"

Liam stopped walking and looked at the store beside him, Zayn looked at it then looked at Liam

"First lesson is for free" Liam said turning to Zayn

"You'll be sore"

"I always wanted to learn!"

"I'm not joining"

"You'll be looking at me while I'm learning"

"Yeah I can enjoy that!"


"Fuck..." Zayn chuckled as liam sat down on the bed "How do people do that?"

"Well the lady did tell you to warm up and you didn't... Soooo" liam rolled his eyes and Zayn smiled "I'll turn the bath on for ya"

"Thank you..."

Zayn walked into the bathroom and came out after 10 minutes "It's almost full... It's amazing how fast it got filled for a big tub-"

"Can we fuck?" Liam blurted out

Zayn raised an eyebrow and looked at Liam "No, you're going to take a bath to relax and feel better" Liam pouted "But... I guess if you feel good enough we can"

Liam's eyes widened and he smiled, a small blush coated his cheeks, and Zayn chuckled as Liam jogged into the bathroom


Liam came out of the bath and looked at Zayn who was already looking at him


Zayn nodded, he stood up and walked to liam "Can you... Cross your hands over each other?"

Liam furrowed his brows but nodded, he crossed his hands over the other and looked at Zayn

"Like this-"

Zayn pinned liam against a wall with his hands over his head

"Good job pup... Nice to know you listen"

Liam nodded "Y-Yeah..."

"How quiet can you be? Wouldn't want to make the neighbours angry don't we?"

Liam slowly nodded "Y-Yes..."

Zayn chuckled "Look at ya... All bothered and what not" Liam took a deep breath, Zayn got quiet before he whispered "I love you, Liam..."

Liam smiled "I love you too..."

Liam doesn't know how, but me managed to stay calm, biting down on a scarf zayn wrapped around his mouth, while scratching the hell out of Zayn's back

But he wanted the neighbors to know that Zayn was taken, that Zayn was his, he wanted the scarf he had in his mouth out and he wanted to let everyone know

That the man in apartment 425 was taken

Seeing Zayns hands fist the pillow beside his head made his back arch

When the scarf got pulled out, liam pulled Zayn down and kissed him

Zayn kissed liam back and smiled

"Double sore?"

Liam laughed quietly "Triple sore..."


And for the remainder for Liams stay, they enjoyed every second holding each other, laughing, watching TV, sex, talking, walking, Zayn showed liam around campus

They went out on dates... Came back home and had even more sex

It was just amazing for both, they loved it, they loved the time they had together

They even had a facetime call with Niall on his birthday and saw the others slam his face into the cake and they laughed

They bought him a gift that Liam will give him once he's back to his parents house

But on the 20th, it was liams time to go back to London

The morning before his flight, he and Zayn had an extra special breakfast, that Zayn made then ate it while watching TV

They then went for a slow walk with their hands tightly clasped together and were stopped by an elderly couple who said

"We are glad to see you both so happy and proud to be together"

It was the highlight of their day, they went back to the apartment and packed liams bag before they just cuddled on the couch until it was time for liam to leave for the airport

"December... I'll hug you again in December"

Liam smiled "I'll be counting down the days until December in my calendar back at home..."

Zayn smiled and nodded, he kissed liams forehead and sighed

"It's more difficult this time" He whispered

Liam cupped Zayns cheeks "Why babe?"

"Because this time you're mine... My person who I want to hold every minute of every day, my person who I want to have marvel runs with... You make me feel complete- you always did but now more than ever, Now seeing you walk away I-"

"Babe no..." Liam said and he hugged zayn tightly as he (Zayn) buried his face into liams neck "I'll miss you. I'll call you on facetime everyday, yeah? After school everyday and I'll tell you about everything we learnt, we'll find a way to watch marvel movies together, I'll cuddle buck as well! I'm sure he misses you"

Zayn laughed before he tightened his arms around liam "I'll miss you..."

"So will I Zayn" Zayn pulled his face out of liams neck and liam pulled his pinkie out "Until December?"

Zayn smiled and linker their pinkies together "Until December..."

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