10. Niall

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"Ok, now tell us what you know"

Niall sighed, he looked out the window at Liam and Zayn then at Louis and Harry "what do you want to know...?"

"Everything that you do, that we don't"

Niall sighed and ran his fingers through his hair "They met when they were 5, Zayn was at a park with his parents- both of them, Liam was there with his mum since his dad had work. Zayn isn't the type to walk over to you and ask you for a friendship, no. So the whole time they were there, Zayn sat beside his parents as they both talked, he felt out of place... but he did want to meet new people, so he got up, and tried... no one agreed to be his friend, the 5 people he asked all said no, either because he doesn't 'fit' their 'vibe' or that each friend group only needs 3 friends and all 3 spots were taken"

"Ok... where does Liam come in?"

"Zayn was sitting on a playground roundabout, alone, he saw everyone and their friends running around... then small puppy eyed baby walked over to him"

"Liam kept on talking to Zayn for a few minutes, and the next thing they know, they're the best of Friends. It was just the 2 of them until I moved next door... Liam told me 'if someone denied being friends with Zayn once, they don't deserve a second chance'" Niall ran his fingers through his hair "Zayn was newly moved here, lonely, absolutely nobody knew him. Liam came in, and filled in that empty friendship spot... then their parents realised 'oh we know them' and boom... best friends, every trip together unless it's to visit family, they got their first tattoos together, they got a tattoo dedicated to their friendship right under their shoulders"

"They didn't invite you?"

"Liam asked... I said I don't want it"

"Want do their tattoos say?"

"They don't say anything... it's an infinity symbol... Zayn didn't know friendship before Liam, Liam- NOW, doesn't know friendship without Zayn. Liam chooses to stick to Zayn's side, Liam chooses to be held tightly by Zayn, Zayn isn't one for this whole hand holding in public thing, Liam would just go and hold his hand and Zayn wouldn't let him go, but if it was someone else, I'm sure Zayn would've slapped their hand away"

Louis and Harry stayed quiet for a moment, they were processing everything Niall just told them



"Has anything ever happened between them? Like... something intimate?"

"No... I mean nothing I've ever been told or witnessed"

"But you KNOW something"

Niall nods "Yes... I do, but I won't talk about that until I know it's the right time"



"That's what she said" Liam muttered and Zayn choked and started to cough "That's what he did" everyone started to laugh and Zayn kept on coughing

"For fuck sake Liam!"

Liam stuck his tongue out at Zayn, Zayn just rolled his eyes and shook his head, Liam kissed Zayn's cheek and Zayn immediately smiled and wrapped an arm around Liam's waist

Louis looked at Niall who nodded, Louis looked at them then at Harry who nodded, Louis took a deep breath

"Hey, Zayn" Zayn looked at Louis and nodded "mind if I take you somewhere?" Zayn nodded and Liam frowned "Liam... you wouldn't mind if I stole Zayn right?"

Liam shook his head "No... not at all"

Louis nodded, he grabbed Zayn's arm and walked away, Liam pursed his lips seeing them walk

"Are you ok, Liam?"

Liam slowly nodded, he started to turn the ring on his finger and took a deep breath "Yep... I'm ok"

Harry looked at Niall who was frowning, Niall looked at Harry and shook his head and Harry just shrugged


Liam was sitting on his bed, he was hugging his legs while running his fingers through his hair.

He and Zayn were supposed to watch a movie but it's almost 9pm and Zayn still isn't here, Niall is with him but Niall is on his phone talking to Dylan, Liam wanted to call Zayn, but he was worried that Zayn is too busy with Louis

Liam laid down and sighed "go to Dylan, Niall..."

"No, I want to be here. At least until Zayn comes over"

Liam looked at Niall "go"

"Are you sure?"

Liam nodded "say hi to Dylan"

"I will!"

Liam frowned and hugged his pillow, he fiddled with his ring under the pillow. He heard his bedroom door open and he sighed

"Niall, I said-"

"I don't think I'm Niall"

Liam sat up and smiled when he saw Zayn, he got off of his bed and hugged Zayn tightly, Zayn smiled hugging Liam back

"I'll take it you missed me?"

"Very much..." Liam muttered, Liam pulled away and cupped Zayn's cheeks "you're ok?"

Zayn nodded "yeah, yeah I'm ok" He raised both eyebrows "Why wouldn't I be?"

Liam shrugged "Stay the night?"

Zayn smiled "without a doubt"


"Liam shhhh, your parents are sleeping"

"Exactly, they're sleeping so keep your voice down!" Liam said pulling the cookies out of the oven and put then down on the counter, Zayn took the vanilla ice cream tub and cookies and cream ice cream tub from the fridge, Liam took some bowls out and spoons and ice cream scooper

Liam then looked at Zayn, he was wearing some sweats and a jacket but that's about it, all the tattoos on his chest, Liam pulled on the sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing while Zayn scooped the ice cream in separate bowls

"Don't be a creep, crackhead"

Liam rolled his eyes, he put the cookies on a plate then put them on the table and then sat down across from Zayn "you openly stare, then I can stare too"

Zayn raised an eyebrow "I never heard you complain" Liam shrugged and Zayn smiled and rolled his eyes, he sat down and they both took a cookie each, they then put some ice cream on it- like a lot of ice cream before they put another piece on top and bit into the ice cream

Liam's eyes rolled back once the warmness of the cookie and the coldness of the ice cream and Zayn hummed

"Fuck" Zayn muttered

Liam smiled and nodded "this never gets old"

Zayn nodded "never" he said with a smile

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