28. Cook

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Zayn sighed while laying flat on his back with his eyes closed, Louis was sitting beside him and Niall was beside Louis. Dylan, Harry and Liam were all talking together

"Zayn" Zayn hummed keeping his eyes closed "Zayn"

Zayn opened his eyes and looked at Louis "Yes Louis"

Louis nodded towards Liam, Zayn looked towards Liam and sighed when he saw Liam talking to Matt. Zayn looked back up at the sky and closed his eyes


Zayn shook his head "Nothing..."


"I know... but nothing, it's his life I won't stop him from doing anything"

Louis frowned and looked at Niall, Niall shrugged and sighed


Zayn opened his eyes and sighed, he looked at Harry and nodded "Yes H"


Zayn looked at Liam who was looking uncomfortable before he furrowed his brows and stood up, he walked towards Liam and wrapped his arm around Liam's waist and pulled him closer

"You alright babes?"

Liam let out a breath of relief and nodded, he buried his face into Zayn's shoulder and closed his eyes as Zayn kept looking at Matt


"It's a free park"

"I mean, leave this area, go somewhere else."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Yeah, I can't. But when you make my Liam uncomfortable that's when I tell you what to do"

Liam's ears didn't hear anything else, they focused on one thing 'my Liam' his heart fluttered at the words being close by but he snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Zayn's finger squeeze his side

"Zee..." Zayn stopped and his hand immediately relaxed, he looked at Liam and nodded "can we just go somewhere else?"

Zayn nodded, his hand slipped away from Liam's waist and grasped Liam's hand, he gave Matt one more look before they walked towards their friends and sat down

Liam snuggled up to Zayn's side with a sigh, Zayn kept an arm over Liam's shoulder and rubbed his thumb over Liam's cheek absentmindedly

"You ok pup?"

Liam nodded and sighed "Yeah..."


"It's not weird dad! It's common sense"

"Suuuuuure, sure! It was common sense for a child"

"In my defence, my teddy bear was dirty!"

"You shouldn't have thrown it in the washing machine!"

"I was 6!"

"You got traumatised seeing Mr. Fluff no longer Mr. Fluff but Mr. No fluff"

Liam rolled his eyes putting some groceries in the cart "Mr. No fluff. You never told 6 year old me I can't put a teddy bear in a washing machine!"

"Well now Mr. Fluff is in the sky with the other none fluffy teddy bears"

"Rest in peace"

"In pieces, actually"



"You know Zayn" Zayn sighed and looked his 'aunt' who was sitting across from him while she held his baby sister "You want to work in a Medical profession, your future... partner may not agree on that!"

Zayn hummed "I have a feeling he will"

Liam's eyebrows rose "What if he... Makes you choose between your career and him?"

"He won't" Zayn said standing up and picked his sister up "Now if you'll excuse me, it's her nap time. Mama and baba will be home soon, you can either wait here, if that's ok" Zayn said before he walked out of the living room already knowing the shocked look on her face

"She's the person we hate the most ok" Zayn whispered and smiled when his sister smiled softly "Yeah, I don't like her one bit; but Ma and baba always say to respect our elders, But if I don't like someone, you shouldn't like them either, We back each other up! No snitching to mama and baba." He said them smiled and walked into her room "Let's not do the stupid sibling stuff yeah?"


"I wanna learn to cook"

Zayn turned to Liam "you DO know how to cook"

Liam -who was laying upside down- turned to Zayn "I wanna cook like you"

"Why do you want to cook like me?"

"I like your cooking"

"You mean grilling"

"Yeah, teach me to grill"

Zayn turned to Liam with a raised eyebrow "How about I stick to grilling and you stick to the stove"

"How about you teach me to grill and I teach you my recipes. Not everywhere has a grill you know"

Zayn chuckled "I know not every place has a grill, but my future place better have one" Zayn said then stood up

"C'mon then"


"I'll teach you to grill, you'll teach me some of your recipes. Our parents have been wanting a dinner with all of us together for a while"

Liam smiled and stood up "I'll tell my mum to not make dinner"

Zayn smiled and nodded "Meet you downstairs"


"You 2 cooked!"

"We told you we will..."

"Hush let us be excited and act surprised for once!"

Liam and Zayn chuckled and sat down along with their parents

"You both clearly worked hard... this a great, it smells great, it looks great-"

"Mama let's hope it tastes great"

"Hush Zayn" Zayn rolled his eyes and yelped when his mama hit his head "Don't roll your eyes at me!"

"Give me a concussion why don't ya?!"

"I will if you keep rolling your eyes at me!"

Zayn mumbled something under his breath and smiled when Liam held his hand under the table, Liam's thumb rubbed over Zayn's knuckles

"Liam. Zayn. We have news"

Liam and Zayn both dropped their forks at the same time and looked at their parents "Please don't tell me there's another baby." They both said at the exact same time before they turned to each other and laughed

"No. There aren't babies" both of them nodded "As you both know... you both are starting your final year in high school-"

"Zayn might be starting uni early" Liam said and Zayn smiled

"I might not even get in"

"You will shut up!"

"BOYS!" They both mumbled a sorry and nodded "Do you both have anything... to tell us?"

Liam furrowed his brows "No"

Zayn shook his head "I got nothing"

"Nothing at all?" "Not a word?" Zayn and Liam shook their heads towards their mums, both women looked at each other before they looked back ahead "ok..." "alright..."

Zayn and Liam looked at each other before they shrugged and continued to eat

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