25. 'Future son in law'

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Liam smiled while holding his baby sister, he looked at his mum and she gave him a smile

"She's tiny..."

His mum hummed and nodded "But heathy... plus babies are meant to be small" Liam nodded and she took a deep breath "How's Zayn?"

Liam frowned "Haven't spoken to him since yesterday..."

"He's taking it hard?"

Liam nodded "yeah..."

His mum stretched her hand "Give my baby to me, you go talk to Zayn"

"Are you sure-"

"Go to my future son in law before I hit you with this weakarse hospital slipper!"

Liam's eyes widened and he nodded, he gave his mum his little sister before he went towards the NICU, he opened the door and saw Zayn standing there in the same clothes


Zayn turned toward Liam then back towards the window "Hey..."

Liam walked towards Zayn and put his hand on Zayn's back before he looked into the NICU "Which one?"

Zayn pointed at one who's right in front of where he was standing, small, connected to many tubes, and red. Liam felt horrible just looking at the baby, he just wonders how Zayn is feeling

"3 months early..." Zayn mutters then takes a deep breath "I should've been there for my mother, Liam"

"Zayn... you didn't know this could happen"


"Hush up!" Liam said before he turned Zayn to face him "This isn't your fault zee" Liam said cupping Zayn's cheeks and resting his forehead against Zayn's with both of their eyes closed

In the year they've been friends, Liam realised whenever Zayn seemed closed up this is the only way he'll let someone get close to him, when both of their eyes are closed

"You should go back to your family Liam" Zayn whispered

Liam smiled "Mumma told me go to her future 'son in law' or she'll hit me with the weakarse hospital slipper"

Zayn laughed and Liam smiled rubbing his back

"Ok?" Zayn nodded, Liam rested his head on Zayn's shoulder and smiled

"Where's your dad?"

Liam laughed "He fainted... so mumma made him leave and go home"


Liam hummed "he fainted when I was being born as well, mumma said- and I quote 'when you stop being a weak arsehole who just faints when he sees a child being born, then come back in and see your daughter!'"

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