23. Cold water

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Liam and Zayn sat on the floor beside bucky and rubbed his back

"Here's the good boy" Zayn said scratching his head, he then looked at Liam

"See, I told you he will be ok, he was just a little too excited"

Liam laughed "Yeah..." He picked Bucky up and hugged him tightly


Zayn was drawing on his hand with a black pen when someone suddenly sat across from him, Zayn looked up then looked back down

"Zayn Malik right?"

"Matt Davidson; I assume"

"You know me"

"You're working with Liam...." Zayn said then looked up "Or more like Liam doing most of the work while you sit there and stare at him"

Matt chuckled "Liam talks about me"

"Not much"

"Well he doesn't talk about you"

Zayn shrugged "I don't need him to talk about me." He tilted his head to the side "What do you want?"

"Just a few questions"

"I think if you want to know anything, you can ask your father... he's a cop" Zayn said looking at Matt "Right?" Matt stayed quiet then Zayn looked back down at his hand "Anything else"

"I'd like to take Liam out on a date" Zayn froze and Matt smirked "I wanted to know what he likes"

Zayn stayed quiet, he wanted to point blank lie to Matt, but then he thought about Liam. He sighed and continued to draw on his hand

"He likes red roses... he isn't a big fan of fancy places, he'll only go occasions, he likes the marvel movies, but he would never watch them alone, he likes ice cream on cold days but it depends on how cold, some days he'd prefer hot chocolate, he has certain books he likes to read... When he says no, he means it, no, don't try to push it" Zayn looked at Matt "good?"

Matt smiled and stood up "Yes, thank you"

Matt walked out and Zayn sighed, he put the pen in his pencil case, he covered his face and shook his head

"You get yourself into shit"

Zayn chuckled and turned toward Louis "how long have you been standing there?"

Louis put the book back and sat beside Zayn "long enough..."


Liam was sitting while Matt was working on the poster, Liam was humming to the song he doesn't remember when Matt suddenly stopped and turned towards Liam

"Go on a date with me"

Liam furrowed his brows "what?"

"I want to take you out on a date"

Liam pursed his lips and looked down at his hands "I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now Matt..."

Matt frowned "Give me a chance"

Liam stood up and picked his backpack up "Matt... I'm really not looking right now"

Liam looked at the wall clock then at Matt and shook his head "Finish this up... I'll take it from you tomorrow and finish the last few touches"

Matt nodded and Liam walked out, He furrowed his brows at the very empty school halls, he frowned as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a deep breath


"Are you close by school...."

"I'm at the cafe across the street, why?"

"Pick me up..."

"I'll be right there"


Liam was in a coffee shop with Zayn and he sighed.

"Liam, are you ok?"

Liam nodded "The school was just so empty I didn't want to walk home... call me paranoid but-"

"I won't call you paranoid, I wouldn't want to walk home after I walk across a creepy dark hall either"

Liam smiled "You're as good as a boxer, what are you worried about?"

"I'm only a 'boxer' when it's extremely necessary"

Liam smiled and ran his fingers through his hair "Teach me how to fight"

Zayn raised an eyebrow "I'm sure you can fight if you like Liam... but I don't want you to because I like how calm you are"

Liam blushed and looked down as he fiddled with his ring while smiling "But you run, right?"

Zayn nodded "During or a little after sunset, it helps clear my mind"

"I may start going with you when I get the chance" Liam said resting his chin on his hands

Zayn smiled "Anytime you'd like, we'll go"

Liam smiled "Can we go get ice cream?"

Zayn smiled and nodded "of course"


Liam and Zayn were both sitting at a beach, they finished their ice cream a few hours ago and now they were just looking at the waves

"Do you think the water would be cold?"

Zayn nodded "defiantly, it's still February the temperature doesn't start rising until April"

Liam smirked and stood up, he pulled Zayn up with him and walked towards the water


"You said you'll start listening to me every once a while"

"Yeah when you say or do smart things!"

"Cmon Zee!" Liam groaned and then pouted "Please..."

Zayn sighed and nodded, they took off their shoes and walked towards the water, Zayn hissed when the cold water touched him but Liam just slightly shivered, he was clinging onto Zayn's side

"Stop stealing the warmth I have left!"

"No! I need a warm cuddled and you're the closest warm thing I have right now"

Zayn shook his head and took his jacket off, he put it over Liam's shoulders and Liam smiled as Zayn cupped his cheeks

"Good pup?"

Liam smiled and nodded, the cold water reaching their ankles and the shiver he had now gone as the warmth Zayn radiated clung onto him, Liam hugged Zayn and Zayn hugged him back



"I love you"

Zayn smiled and kissed Liam's temple "I love you too pup"

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