6. Sick

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Zayn was walking home after a late night walk, he pushed his hair back and was about to open the door when he saw Liam walking home, he looked tired and he was barely dragging his feet across the street to reach home

Earlier that day in school, Liam's temperature was worrying Zayn but Liam said he's fine, it's just that he's tired, Zayn dropped his house keys and ran towards Liam, quickly taking one of Liam's arms over his shoulders and he sighed. He put his hand on Liam's forehead and he frowned

"Liam, you're burning up"

"I'm fine... I'm fine! I n-need to help them... I-I have to be a good-"

"Shut up..." Zayn muttered picking Liam up bridal style


"I'm taking you to a hospital, not another word!"

"My parents will over worry, it's nothing..." Liam muttered as Zayn put him in the backseat

"Well I'm over worrying. I'm taking you to the ER"

After that Liam just nodded, he curled into himself and sighed



"I'm cold..."

Zayn took his jacket off and he gave it to Liam, before he ran into his house and got his car keys from beside the door as his mama was coming down the stairs


"Liam. Sick. My car. Tell the Payne's."

She nodded and put her shoes on, Zayn ran towards his car, got in, turned it on and drove to the hospital


Liam groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, he rubbed his eyes and furrowed his brows

Beside him, Zayn had his head on the bed with his eyes closed

He furrowed his brows and sat up, he massaged Zayn's head and got a sigh

Zayn's eyes slowly opened and he sat up, Liam forced a smile while Zayn blinked

"I really REALLY want to yell at you right now"

Liam cringed as Zayn stretched "But, I don't yell at you when you're sick"

Liam smiled "Yeah?"

Zayn stood up and pressed the call button before he slumped down "Yeah"

A nurse walked in, smiling "Nice to see you're up" She said as she stood by the edge of the bed

Liam laughed "Glad to be awake."

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