2.13 Confessions

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Liam frowned, he picked bucky up and walked downstairs

"I don't know what I did... All I've been doing is laying in bed, eating ice cream and nuggets"

"Sit down!"

Liam sat down "What?"

"We know you miss Zayn..."

Liam sighed "Yeah just speak it out! Not like I already know..."

"Shush... Zayn misses you too"

Liam slowly nodded "I know..."

"And we talked to him yesterday"

Liam furrowed his brows "He didn't even talk to ME yesterday!"

"Because we asked him not to"

Liam pouted "Rude..."

"Because you're going to see him tomorrow"

Liam's eyes widened "What?!"

"Yeah, we talked to his parents, they both agreed. Your flight is tomorrow morning"

"WAIT! But- Mumma..."

"Yes love?"

"The bills... I told Zayn I can't make it, the flight is fucking expensive, Julia's necessaties are expensive!"

"Well we all wanted you to go" Liam turned towards the door where Zayns parents were "We miss him yes... But I think we all knows he misses you more"

"But... You're his parents"

"And from what we know... You're more than a best friend. Pack your bag, your flight is tomorrow"


"You knew"

Zayn smiled "Of course I did"

Liam shook his head "How long have you been planning this with our parents?"

"Our mums made a group chat and put both of our dads in it... They added me in it 2 days ago and once we were done, i got kicked out of the group chat"

Liam stopped packing and looked at Zayn "Why are our parents like this?"

"They had kids pretty early on and they don't care when someone tells them to act their age"

Liam raised an eyebrow "Early on? They were 25!"

"Still. A lot of people usually want to wait, our parents got married and had kids less than a year later"

"Your parents had you after marriage, My mum was 3 months pregnant at her wedding"

"Oh yeah true"

Liam laughed "Yeah..." Liam looked at the phone were Zayn was cooking "You'll pick me up, right?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to miss your first few minutes here." Liam smiled "Also... You'll be staying with me"

Liam stopped and looked at Zayn "Do you have any roommates?"

Zayn shrugged "It's a student accommodation, I paid extra for a single, bigger room" He smirked

"It'll just be you and me"


Liam took his bags from the baggage claim before he sighed, he rubbed the back of his neck and put his backpack on

He walked out of that area and stopped when me met those bright eyes

Liam dropped all of his bags and sprinted towards Zayn who caught him and hugged him tightly

"How do I already miss you so Much?" liam said pulling away

Zayn shrugged and shook his head "You aren't allowed to leave, I'll miss you too much"

Liam laughed before Zayn pulled him closer and kissed him

Liam smiled kissing Zayn back


Zayn opened the door to the apartment and Liam's eyes widened looking around

"This... Is all payed for?"

Zayn smiled and nodded "Yep. Baba's friend made sure I'll be comfortable. He had his wife come over and decorate the place while he bought groceries"

"I'm thinking about dropping out of school and just moving in here with you" Liam said looking around

Zayn smiled "I would love that... But I know the wise part of you would never let that happen" Zayn said wrapping his arms around Liam's waist from behind after closing the door

Liam smiled resting his head on Zayns shoulder and looking at him

"Would you mind if I just... Didn't work?"

Zayn shook his head and kissed liams temple "No... Not one bit babes"


Liam was looking at the TV while laying on Zayns lap, Zayn had his hands in liams hair

He suddenly stopped and looked at Liam

"Love..." liam hummed while watched the TV "When people are in a coma..." Liam nodded and turned to look at Zayn "They can still hear everything

Liam froze and slowly nodded "O-oh..."

"I heard Louis telling me about you punching the living hell out of Matt, and Dylan telling me about how they joined the investigation and Niall apologising a million times for hurting you, my parents worrying, the doctor asking them to pull the plug, When baby A was there with my mum and she said her first word... And I heard everything you said."

Liam froze and he sat up" Zayn-"

"You talking about every memory, you telling me about valentines day and how you were the happiest and how you've been waiting for it for years... I also heard about new years"

Liam took a deep breath "I wanted to tell you, I did! But I was terrified and-"

Zayn pulled Liam on his lap and kissed him, Liam smilwd kissing Zayn back

"I love you liam... And I want you to be mine"

Liam smiled "I've always been yours Zaynie..."

"Well now I want it to be official. I know its long distance... But Liam, I know it's a bit overdue- will you be my boyfriend, for real this time?"

Liam slowly nodded and he cupped Zayn's cheeks "I've been waiting for this..." Liam rested their forehead together and Zayn wrapped his arms around liams waist

"You should've told me, Jaan..."

"You said you will when you're sober and ready"

Zayn smiled "I am ready... And I want you to be mine"

"I am yours. I always will be..."



"I love you... So fucking much"

Liam smiled "I love you too..."

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