Chapter 39

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Malaysia's POV

   I walk through the door of our home.  I see Ethena bawling her eyes out.  I immediately rush over to her.

I kneel down, my hand on her back.  "Ethena, Baby, what's wrong?"

She doesn't answer me and continues to cry.  She wipes her tears away, but more fall.

I encase her in a tight, warm hug.  "Whatever's going on, I'm here for you."

Ron's POV

"You guys haven't been coming to your sessions.  What's been going on?"  The counselor says.

I deeply sigh.  "Well, let's just say we're not on good terms right now.  I'm currently staying at a hotel."

"Willingly?"  "Well, at first, but then I guess she kicked me out when I came home drunk."

"What led up to you leaving?"  "Once again, she chose that son of a bitch Malaysia over me.  She's always choosing her over me.  It's insane."

"And what led you to come home drunk?"  "I'm not gonna lie to you, being away from my son has been hard.  She won't let me see him.  I got fucked up at the bar because I've been going through so much with Ethena and our marriage and just....not being able to see him."

"Why isn't she letting you see him?"  "She said she's not gonna have him experiencing going back and forth to a hotel just to see me."

"Mr. Lassiter, I know it's been rough for you, but where she's coming from is understandable.  She wants her kid to have stability when it comes to his parents."

"I guess that's fair.  But I just wish she could see that Malaysia is breaking us apart."  "How do you think so?"

"Well................I'm not exactly sure, but I know it's happening.  Maybe she's a bug in her ear and wants to get rid of me."

"How old is Malaysia?"  "Eighteen, I think."  "And you think that about an eighteen-year-old woman?"

"Wow.  Ms. Robertson, it seems to me like you're on their side.  Why is everyone always ganging up on me?"

"Mr. Lassiter, I am on no one's side.  I am just trying to use logic and diffuse your angry emotions.  Mr. Lassiter, I think you're just being insecure.  I don't want for there to be hostility in your home or your relationship.  Maybe you're being unreasonable.  Chances are Malaysia isn't actually an issue.  You just need to calm down and focus on Mrs. Lassiter.  You creating a fake problem and projecting it onto her is just gonna run her away."

"I see what you're saying, but why are they so close anyway?  Why does she always do things in Malaysia's favor?  Why does she care so much about her?"

"Maybe she finds comfort in her.  Do they talk a lot?"  "I don't know.  I assume so.  She definitely doesn't talk to me.  It honestly feels like she's so emotionally unavailable when it comes to me."

"I think both of you should take responsibility for that.  She should be communicating with you and tell you things that she doesn't like.  She shouldn't just shut you out.  You also need to make certain changes as well.  I know you've made an effort, enough to be sitting here right now, but it doesn't stop there.  Compliment her.  Try initiating conversations with her if she won't with you.  Also, tell her the things you don't like that she does.  No one is the bad guy here.  A relationship is a two-way street."

"How can I talk to her when I can't even come home?"  "Call her.  If that's the best way you can talk to her, then it's worth a shot."

"But shouldn't I talk to her in person about things?  Isn't it more personal that way?"  "Yes, but do you really have an option?"

My eyes avert from her, moving side to side.

".............I guess I don't,"  I look back at her.  "I just don't want her to hang up on me like she usually does."

"If she wants to make this work, she has to listen to you."  "That's the thing.  Does she want to make this work?  It feels like I'm the only one trying and she's shutting me out.  She was never this impenetrable before.  If she was, we wouldn't have a kid together."

"Of course she wants to make it work.  Why else would she still be married to you?  Why else would she agree to come to marriage counseling?  Why else would she show up?"

"I guess you're right."


Mrs. Lassiter's POV

Malaysia and I are sitting on the couch.  A knock sounds at the door.  "I'll get it."  I say.  I get up and answer the door, instantly rolling my eyes once I see who it is.

"What do you want, R-"  "Ethena.  We need.  To talk."  He says in an urgent tone.  What could we possibly have to talk about?

His eyes avert to behind me then back to me.  "Y'all seem close."  He says.  "We talk.  Problem?  Is that what you came all the way here for?"

"No.  I-  I just got caught off guard, that's all.  But I wanted to talk about us, Ethena.  Look, I know we're going through the motions right now, but I want to save this marriage, Ethena.  I went to our counselor today, and she said that we both need to communicate with each other.  She said we both need to take responsibility for our lack of communication.  She also said we need to tell each other stuff we don't like about each other, and that I should initiate conversation when you don't-"

"Fine, Ron.  I'll tell you what I don't like.  I don't like that you're insecure and take shit out on Malaysia.  I hate that you hate her for no reason.  I definitely don't like that you came home drunk.  You know Jacob saw that shit?  You wanna know why I won't let you come home?  It's because you're a mess, Ron.  Getting intoxicated, drunk driving, and passing out.  I don't want my son to see that.  Plus, you left.  You didn't just leave me.  I can deal with that.  But you left him, too, and that's where I draw the line."

"I don't like that you shut me out.  I tell you how I feel and you brush it off like it's nothing.  I'm a man, Ethena.  You might not think so, but I am.  It's so hard for us men nowadays to be vulnerable and be open with our emotions, but I am, so it hurts even more when you just act like I didn't even say anything.  I can't stand the fact that you choose Malaysia over me.  I really can't understand why she's so important to you.  I get that her grandma died and she had nowhere to go, but damn, you really have to fight me on everything about her?  Why don't you consider me, Ethena?  Why do you choose her over me?  I'm your husband.  Don't I matter, too?"

He sounds like he's on the brink of tears, and honestly......I kinda feel bad seeing him this way.  Look, Ron's an asshole, but I didn't mean to hurt him.  It was never my intention.

Fuck, what do I do?  I can't tell him the truth.  Ron doesn't mean anything to me like he wants, and it must be heartbreaking for him.

And Malaysia......She's a whole different story.  I can't help the way I feel about her.  I feel nothing for Ron and everything for her.  He probably feels upstaged by her.

I don't know what to tell him.  I can't exactly say, "I'm in love with our female babysitter."  I've already agreed to counseling again.  What more am I supposed to do? 

Whatever it is, I can't tell him the truth.

"Ron, what do you want me to do?"  "I want you to act like my wife again.  I want things to be like they were years ago.  I want you to let me see my son.  I just want it to feel like I have a family again instead of feeling like I'm some pathetic bachelor that lives in a hotel."

I can't promise that to you.  I can't promise that to you at all.

I sigh.  "I'll.....let you come home.  Let's start off with that."

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