Chapter 19

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Malaysia's POV

   Turns out, my grandma died of lung cancer.  I didn't even know she had it.  She didn't tell me about it or anything.

My family is working on planning a funeral.

I'm really depressed right now, so Darian is here with me.  "So you live here with Mrs. Lassiter?"  "Yeah.  And this is their son, Jacob."

Jacob greets him and Darian greets him back.  Out of nowhere, the tears fall, and I can't control them.  "It's ok, Lay.  We'll get through this together.  She loves you, and she wants you to know that it's ok to cry, and you will conquer this."  He comforts me, rubbing my back.

"Thank you, Darian."  I say through my tears.  "No problem, Lay.  You know I'm here for you."  Jacob walks up to me.  He puts his tiny hand on my shoulder.  "Don't cry."  Jacob says.  He gives me a hug, and I hold him in my arms.

Mrs. Lassiter's POV

"So, what brings you here today?"  The stupid counselor questions us.  Marital problems, duuh.  My chin is resting in my hand, my legs crossed, my eyes looking away from both of those fools.

"We've been having problems lately."  Ron answers the stupid lady.  I know he wasn't expecting me to do it.  "Would you like to tell me what they are?"  She says to him.

"Well, for starters, she keeps making decisions without me.  Like, with our babysitter, which is one of our problems."

I roll my eyes.  "Mrs. Lassiter, you seemed to disagree with him.  Would you like to put in some input?"  "She's his problem, not ours.  I don't have a problem with her at all."

I didn't think having my lover and my husband live under the same roof would be this difficult.

"And what exactly is the problem with the babysitter?  And Mrs. Lassiter, may you please face us?  We have to know that you're engaged in this conversation."

I face her.  "The problem with the babysitter is that Ethena kept making decisions regarding her without my knowledge.  We're supposed to be a team, yet she leaves me out of important decisions."

"Can you give me some examples?"  "First, she brought her on our vacation.  It was supposed to be just us and our son, Jacob.  Now she's our in-home babysitter because a certain someone said she can stay with us."

I remember that vacation.  The sex I'm supposed to be having with you, I had plenty of it with her.

"Is this true, Ethena?"  "Yes."  "And what was your reasoning behind these decisions?"  "I brought her on the trip to babysit Jacob whenever we were out.  I let her live with us because her grandmother died and she had nowhere to go.  I've told Ron this, but he just doesn't seem to understand.  He even said it was a good idea for her to be on the trip, so I don't see why it's such a big deal now."

"Well, I think the problem is that he felt blindsided by her being there."  "Exactly.  It's the same exact thing with her living with us.  I come home from work, and the babysitter is sleeping on our couch like she owns it."

"I love how he can never say her name.  She's always "the babysitter".  She has a name.  You could use it, you know."

"I honestly don't see why Malaysia means so much to her.  Like, why does she care about her so much?"  "I care about her because she is one of my students, and if she needs help, I'm going to help her."  I say to the lady.

"Our next problem is that we argue a lot.  It's like we just can't agree on anything."  He says.  I agree with you on that.

"Like?"  "We argue about sex, which is another problem,"  Sex is a problem for you.  I'm having plenty of it.  "We argue about Malaysia."

"What specifically do you argue about when it comes to Malaysia?"  "We've argued about her living with us.  Just yesterday- last night- I proposed that Malaysia gets a real job,"  Which she already has.  "Since she lives with us now, but we argued about that.  It's like any issue I have, she fights me on it."

Ya damn skippy.  "So, you mentioned you argue about sex.  What is that about?"  I roll my eyes.  Of course he mentioned us not having sex.

"The problem is that I want it, but she doesn't, like ever, and when I tell her about how it makes me feel, she just brushes it off like it's no big deal, when it's a huge deal for me."

"And how long has it been like this?"  "Three years.  We haven't had sex in three years."  "Three years is a long time.  How about we do a little role reversal.  Ethena, pretend to be Ron, and Ron, pretend to be Ethena.  Who wants to go first?"

"What's the point of doing this stupid role reversal?"  I say.  "The point is to see what you think of each other."  "Oh, well in that case...  Hi.  I'm Ron.  All I care about is sex."

He turns to me.  "Hi.  I'm Ethena.  All I care about is the babysitter."  I face him.  "I have no compassion, because if I did, I wouldn't have a problem with Malaysia living with us."

"I didn't ask my husband if she could.  I just make all the decisions without consulting with my husband of years like I'm the boss."

"I whine like a little bitch."  "I don't care about my husband's feelings!"  He shouts.  "I don't care about my wife's right to say no to sex!"  I yell.

"I act like the babysitter means the whole world to me and my husband means absolutely nothing!"

"Even though my wife popped out a baby, cooks, washes my clothes, pays half the bills, and helps take care of our kid, I complain about something so stupid like sex!"

"You're inconsiderate!"  "And you're selfish!"  We argue, getting out of our chairs.

"This session got heated.  Let's continue this next week." 

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