Chapter 16 - Remember!

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Tsuki's POV

“That ring, it’s precious to me because it was given to me by someone who I loved but died ages ago. It’s familiar to you because… you were the one that gave it to me” I said.

As soon as I said that, Ulquiorra’s eyes widened. He seemed to be thinking and processing all of this.

“Tell me more” he instructed me.

“Nearly a hundred years ago, you and I were both in the world of the living, when we were both human. You would always be bullied and one day, I met you. We became friends and you had no parents so you lived with me. At that time, it was only me and my mum because my dad died when I was young.”

I looked up to see how Ulquiorra was doing. He had now changed from his resurreccion form to his normal espada form. Why is he standing and I’m sitting? I patted the ground in front of me to tell him to sit and he reluctantly did so.

“Well, I told you to be strong and stand up for yourself. When the bullies started hurting me one day, you finally stood up for yourself and punched the bullies. We both fought the bullies and they never bullied you again.”

I felt like he was staring at me so I looked at Ulquiorra to find out that he was in fact, staring at me. When he saw me stop, he gave me a look that said ‘keep going’.

“A couple years later, my mum died and it was just you and me. There was this one night when we were star gazing. You asked me why I liked the moon and then you made up a nickname for me. You would call me ‘Lunar-chan’. Then I made up a nickname for you, ‘Batty-kun’” I got interrupted before I could continue.

“What kind of a nickname is ‘Batty-kun’?” Ulquiorra asked. He slightly scrunched up his nose in disgust. It was a small action but if I looked carefully, I could see it. I chuckled. I guess he still hated the nickname.

“I couldn’t think of anything else, and look; you look just like a bat right now” I said and I think I saw a hint of amusement in Ulquiorra’s eyes. It was like I had a connection with Ulquiorra. When we were little, I could always see what he was feeling in his eyes. Now, I could see a tiny bit.

“Anyway, two weeks later, it was my 14th birthday. You gave me the ring and this bow for my birthday” I pointed to the ring and the blue bow in my hair.

“You sang me ‘Happy Birthday’ and I sang ‘Never be the same’.”

“Sing me ‘Never be the same’” Ulquiorra instructed me again. Geez, he’s so bossy. I sang it to him while he sat there listening. He closed his eyes and listened carefully. I made sure I sang all the right notes and everything. But I got most of it right because I’ve been singing it so many times every year.

Now that I think about it, the song describes the situation with the espadas. I thought over the lyrics and it was explaining exactly what was happening here.

“We all get lost, sometimes, and we forget who we are.” “We’re all running in the crazy race, never thinking about the hearts we break.” “Cause when you’re standing there all alone, losing everything you’ve ever known.” “Things are never gonna be the same.”

“That was beautiful singing” Ulquiorra told me once I finished singing. I thanked him. Then he told me to keep going with the story. I think he’s slowly remembering everything.

“Okay. We were walking to a theatre to see a musical when a hollow appeared. He attacked us and I got wounded badly. You protected me and got hit by the hollow instead. You had a horrible wound but before the hollow could kill us, a soul reaper killed the hollow.”

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