Chapter 20 - Surprises

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Yamamoto's POV (I'm sorry, I don't know how he thinks)

I quickly dodged Baraggan's attack. He was a very tricky opponent, with his killing-everything-of-old-age power. My whole body was bruised and I had a very serious wound on my leg. Baraggan was pretty bruised up as well, or as bruised as he can get being a skeleton. There was fire and ash surrounding us, caused by my zanpakuto.

"You're never going to beat me old man" Baraggan cried.

"Who are you calling old?" I retorted. He's such a hypocrite. Instead of replying, he took a step forward and made the building slowly die away. We were currently in the 1st squad barracks, my office. As the building crumpling away headed towards me, I leapt back.

I held my zanpakuto in front of me and a burst of fire aimed at Baraggan but he dodged it. It was really hard to kill him. How do you kill a skeleton that kills things by accelerating its age? How did Soi Fon and Hachi defeat him?

I was trying to think of a strategy when Baraggan came at me. In the meantime, I decided to go on defence. We fought for a while until I heard someone next to us.

"It seems you are having trouble, old man" I turned around to see Hachi. My eye twitched. What was with everyone calling me 'old man'? I'm not that old.

"What are you doing here, Hachi?" I asked.

"We are here to help" Soi Fon appeared next to Hachi. I wanted to protest and say that they should help out with the others. I didn't want to seem like a head captain that couldn't defeat the 2nd espada.


An explosion was heard in the distance. What was that? All heads shot in that direction in surprise, except for Baraggan.

I looked closer and saw that the Senzaikyu and Sokyoku Hill had blown up. How?! The Senzaikyu was the big tower next to the Sokyoku Hill in the middle of the Seireitei.

"Ah, he finally did it" Baraggan said. What? Who did it? I thought for a moment. It could be one of the espadas but all of them are fighting. Actually, are they all fighting? I was fighting the 2nd espada and the 1st espada was nowhere to be found.

"It was Starrk, wasn't it?" Hachi asked. Baraggan nodded and that confirmed my assumption.

"Yamamoto, we suggest that you go and fight Starrk. Soi Fon and I will take care of things here" Hachi stepped forward. He didn't suggest I go, he was telling me to go. I just had trust him to have a plan.

"Take care, Hachi, Soi Fon" I nodded and then I flash stepped to the explosion sight.

When I got there, I saw Starrk standing in front of me. He had his zanpakuto in his hand and the area around him was totally destroyed. The Senzaikyu and the Sokyoku Hill was gone. It's going to cost a lot to repair!

"Ah, old man Yamamoto, nice to see you again" Starrk greeted me lazily. An irk mark appeared on my forehead. I wanted to yell at him to not call me old but decided against it.

"You will pay for destroying the Senzaikyu and the Sokyoku Hill" I said.

"Oh, you think that's all we're going to be destroying?" Starrk asked and my eyes widened slightly. Half a second later, he charged at me and I quickly blocked with my zanpakuto. I was hesitant to use my fire, I didn't want to destroy any more of the Soul Society, but I did it anyway.

Starrk dodged and shot ceros at me. I also noticed that he was in his resurreccion form, I'm guessing that all espadas were. We kept battling for a while. I was in a worse state than Starrk. Baraggan was hard to fight but Starrk, being the 1st espada, was much harder. I hoped to find a way to kill him and save the Soul Society.

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