Chapter 5 - Training

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Kaisha's POV

I finally arrived at Urahara's shop! I didn't bother with the knocking, I threw open the door and rushed inside. My other body in my arms.

"KISUKE!" I called.

He came out of one of the doors holding a fan. His eyes were closed and he was smiling.

"Ah, Kaisha-chan, wh-" he started but when he opened his eyes...

"YOU"RE A SOUL REAPER?!" Kisuke shouted.

"YES! NOW, STOP SHOUTING!" I shouted back. Kisuke sweat dropped.

"Hypocrite" Kisuke muttered. I rolled my eyes.

Kisuke looked worried as he told me to follow him. We went into one of the back rooms and he told me things about being a soul reaper. He then showed me how to get back into my body. I basically just stepped into my body. Pretty simple. Then my other body, Kisuke called it my soul, disappeared. That's so frickin cool! I even get my own sword! No one can see me (except some gifted people and hollows and ghosts) when I'm a soul reaper! So FRICKIN COOL!

"You will have to train" was what Kisuke said. The only word my brain registered was, 'train'. I have to train?! NOT FRICKIN COOL!

"Come back tomorrow after school! See ya!" Kisuke called and waved me good bye with his fan. I grumbled a good bye and left.

At school the next day, Ichigo, Rukia, Uryu and Chad kept looking at me. They probably know about me being a soul reaper. At the end of school, I headed for Urahara Shop and found Ichigo joining me.

"So, you're a soul reaper?" Ichigo asked.

"Mm hm" I said as I flicked my red knee length hair over my shoulder.

"Are you just following me or do you need to see him?" I asked.

Ichigo shrugged carelessly. He thought for a while before answering.

"I guess... I want to watch you train."

"So you can make it more pressuring?"

"No. So I might be able to help you. I've gone through his training before."

When Ichigo said that, I got a bit worried. Was Kisuke's training bad? Hard? Was I going to d-d die? No. Kisuke wouldn't let me die.

Soon enough, we arrived at Urahara Shop. Kisuke led us to a trapdoor and we climbed down the ladder. When I stood up from the ground, I brushed dirt off my clothes and looked up. Wow. I was speechless. There was a sky! It was blue with clouds. But we were underground. How on earth? There were rocks and boulders scattered everywhere along the brown craggy land. The place was massive.

"Wow. Who knew there was a massive traning ground under my shop?" Kisuke pretended to be surprised. I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously you, idiot" I muttered.

"Quit saying the same joke Kisuke" Ichigo said. Same joke, eh? Must have gotten boring. I mean, the jokes so obvious.

Kisuke's face turned serious and he stabbed me on the forehead with his cane. Is he trying to kill me now? I rubbed my forehead and felt weird. When I looked down, I saw my body in my school uniform unconscious. I was now standing in the soul reaper uniform. He knocked me out of my body.

"Time for training."

I held onto a rock for support and panted. This training is tough. We have been training for three hours, I think. You can't tell time when you're down here. Apparently I had to do different training to Ichigo. I'm not sure if it is harder or not.

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