Chapter 3 - Soul reapers, hollows and more

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Kaisha's POV

I fiddled with my pen while trying to listen to the teacher. We were in class and I was bored to death. My eyes wandered around the classroom and found Grimmjow sitting in the back. I still think back to what happened yesterday. After Grimmjow took me home, I got my injuries treated at hospital but they weren't that bad. 

I looked at Ichigo who is looking out the window like usual. Then I heard a loud monster scream. It sounded like the monster yesterday and it seemed far away. But what if it was eating another spirit? Ichigo turned to the teacher and raised his hand.

"Uh, ms, I need to go to the bathroom" he said and the teacher nodded her head.

"I need to go too" I blurted out without thinking. I did actually need to go. But what would Ichigo say? 

"Hurry up then" Ms Ochi said. I thanked her and walked out of the classroom behind Ichigo. We walked down the hallway in silence. When we reached the toilets, Ichigo turned to me. He opened his mouth to say something, I don't know what though, but I beated him to it.

"Ichigo, I know what you are going to do. You are going to change into a black kimono thing and kill that monster with your sword" I told him what I knew.

"Wha-What are you talking about? What monster? I don't know what you're talking about" Ichigo lied. I rolled my eyes. He could have done a better job at lying.

"Ichigo, I know your secret. Stop lying" I looked him in the eye dead serious. Ichigo sighed. 

"Look, I don't know how much you know but I really shouldn't be talking about it" Ichigo told me. So he isn't going to tell me?

"I just want to know who you guys are and what you guys do. I've seen the monsters kill people and yesterday, I saw a monster attack a spirit. It was lucky that Grimmjow was there to save her and me" I told him about yesterday and there seemed to be confusion on his face.

"Grimmjow a soul reaper?" Ichigo asked. A soul reaper?

"What's a soul reaper?" I asked him confused.

"It's a person tha-. I'll talk to you at lunch, ok? Right now, I got to kill the hollow" Ichigo said and I nodded. He then took off down the hallway. Soul reaper? Hollow? I can't wait to learn about them. I then realised that I was standing in the empty hallway doing nothing. Thinking to myself, I went to the girls bathroom, because I really did need to go.

We sat on the roof top eating our lunch. Me, eating my bento-box. I sat at my usual seating, next to Grimmjow. Looking at him, reminds me of what happened yesterday. Ichigo is going to tell me more about it at lunch.

"So Kaisha, what made you move to Karakura Town?" Tatsuki asked suddenly. I blinked. Am I ready to share my past with my new friends? 

"Umm, well, I-" I started to tell them but got interrupted. 

"If she doesn't want to speak, then she doesn't have to" Ulquiorra said in his emotionless voice. I forgot he was there. He doesn't talk much, but when he does talk, it always has an emotionless tone. He never smiles as well. 

I blushed at his words but shaked my head. I'm going to tell my friends my past. I trust them.

"Well, it started when I was five. My mum died, no one knows how and my dad had to take care of me by himself. He couldn't deal with it. He became an alcoholic and sent me here to live by myself" I felt tears in my eyes but I held them in.

"If it makes you feel better, my mum died years ago" Ichigo told me. It didn't make me feel better, it made me feel sorry for him. But he still had a family.

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