Chapter 17 - Time with Grimmjow

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Kaisha's POV

I was flash stepping to who knows where. So many battles were everywhere, the Seireitei might even get destroyed. As I was focusing on other spiritual pressures, I didn't sense the one sneaking up on me. The spiritual pressure was very familiar and felt like a hollow, no, an espada. The owner of the spiritual pressure kicked me in the back, but it wasn't a hard kick. I tumbled along the ground but got stopped. Huh? Was it a tree? 

I looked up and, no, it was not a tree. It was... Grimmjow. 

What was Grimmjow doing here?

Before I could say anything, Grimmjow picked me up and hauled me over his shoulder. Whoa, where are his manners? It looks like they ran away. This is no way to treat a lady.

"Grimmj-" I yelled, I mean, started to yell. He put his other hand over my mouth and looked at me. His lips - that I so wanted to kiss right now - were smirking.

"No talking just yet" he whispered to me. His voice, it was so rich and deep, I could listen to it all day. I missed listening to his voice, I missed touching him, and I missed him. But I was still frustrated with him holding me over his shoulder like I was just a school bag. I struggled to get out of his grip but my small body was nothing compared to his muscular one.

In the end, I gave up and just lay uncomfortably on his shoulder. He seemed to trust me enough to take his hand off my mouth. Then we were off, he was using sonido to some place that I don't know. I lazily rested on him, watching as the trees blurred past. When are we going to get to wherever we are going? I sighed really loudly to emphasise that I was bored.

"Stop being impatient" I heard Grimmjow grumble. I could just see him rolling his eyes right now.

In the distant, near the edge of the forest, was a small house. Grimmjow headed over there and when we got inside the house, he let me down. I started to say something, but he put his finger to his mouth in a 'shoosh' motion. He then disappeared behind a door and I followed him silently.

After we explored that room and the main room, we found out that there was no one in the two-room house. The place looked pretty abandoned; it didn't look like anyone had been here recently or would be coming back. We sat on two old and dusty chairs in the main room.

"Alright. Explain yourself" I demanded. I mean, who just goes around kidnapping people? Oh yeah, kidnappers do. But I guess it's different for Grimmjow to take me.

"What do you mean?" Grimmjow asked as he grinned at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I don't know, you just come and take me while I'm walking around" I said sarcastically.

"First of all, you weren't walking around; you were flash-stepping around. Second of all, um, there's no second of all. But, yes; there's a but, no; not a butt, a 'but'; as in..." Grimmjow looks at me to see if I understand him. Okay, that was confusing. Did you get it? Hopefully you did. I shrugged and he just sighed as if I had problems.

"Never mind. Anyway, as I was saying, you didn't mind coming with me" Grimmjow said. I started laughing crazily. Okay, now you can think I'm crazy. But just so you know, I was fake laughing. Just to get my point across, I pretended to wipe a tear from my face. Grimmjow sweat dropped.

After sitting there and watching Grimmjow look at me weirdly, I tried to put on my straight face.

"Are you kidding me? Why would I want to go with you?" I asked. Okay, that wasn't true. I was just messing with Grimmjow. It worked pretty well because he went over to a corner and started crying. Now I felt really bad.

"G- Grimmjow. I didn't mean it" I started panicking. I quickly went over to Grimmjow and hugged him. He seemed happier as he hugged me back; it was as if nothing happened.

Return of the Espadas (Ichigo x OC x Grimmjow)Where stories live. Discover now