Chapter 1 - Kaisha

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The principal knocked on the door and went in after telling me to wait. I smoothed out my long red hair. Sometimes it got annoying, it went down to my knees. Then the principal told me to go in before she left.

The classroom was big and like any other classroom, with separate tables and windows on one side of the room. At the front of the room, there was a lady with long brown hair and glasses. When I looked at the students, there was one guy that stood out. It was a guy with bright blue hair and blue eyes. He was sitting next to a guy with black hair, green eyes and an emotionless face.

"Today we have a new transfer student. Please tell the class your name and where you're from" the lady at the front, the teacher, said. I walked to the middle of the classroom and faced the other students.

"Hi everyone! I'm Kaisha Kyuto and I'm from Tokyo" I introduced myself.

"I am Ms Ochi, your teacher. You can sit over there next to Ichigo" the teacher told me, pointing to a spare seat next to an orange hair boy. The boy didn't seem to be paying attention, instead, he was looking out the window. I walked over to the seat next to him and sat down.

"Alright class! Books out!" Ms Ochi instructed the class. I got out my new books I bought the other day. Ms Ochi started talking about science, my worst subject. I looked to my left to see the orange hair boy not paying attention as well.

"Hi, what's your name?" I whispered to the orange hair boy. He turned his head and opened his mouth to speak but stopped. I was confused. Carrot-top, as I now call him, turned to a girl with black hair beside him. It looked like he was talking to her but I couldn't see. So now he's ignoring me, huh?

"Ms? Can I go to the bathroom?" Carrot-top put his hand up and asked. Ms Ochi nodded before going back to whatever she was saying. Looking at Carrot-top, it didn't look like he needed to go to the bathroom. Oh well, maybe he doesn't show it.

I propped my elbow on the table and rested my chin in my hand. School was going to be boring. But this school might be better than my other one. Yes, I just moved to Karakura town and I just started Karakura High School. Just so you know, I came from Tokyo. I moved because my mum died, by a weird monster thing. My dad became an alcoholic and sent me here to live by myself. At least at my other school, I had friends, so life in Tokyo was alright.

I turned to look out the window. Looking at the park below, the streets outside the school and... Carrot-top flying in the air? I sat up in alarm.

"Something wrong, Kaisha?" Ms Ochi asked. I blushed and shook my head. The teacher looked hesitant at first but then continued teaching. I looked back out the window and looked at Carrot-top more closely. He was wearing a black kimono and he had a huge sword on his back. He was just flying in the air and people didn't notice him. That is so strange.

Wait a minute. He was wearing the exact same clothes as the guy that saved me and killed the monster that killed my mum. Could Carrot-top be like the guy that saved me? Does Carrot-top go around killing those monsters? As I was thinking those questions, I saw the black haired girl look at me weirdly and then at Carrot-top. Can she see Carrot-top? It looks like only I can see him.

The bell rings and people charge outside.

"Lunchtime everyone" Ms Ochi announces, a bit too late. She then leaves the classroom. I see a couple of people in here still. There was an orange hair girl with big breasts.

"Yay! Lunchtime!" she shouted happily. What's so special about lunchtime?

A girl with black spiky hair that looked like a tomboy rolled her eyes.

"What's so special about lunchtime Orihime?" the tomboy asked.

"Because that's what all girls look forward to at school. I have red bean paste with chocolate cake" the girl, Orihime says excitedly. She didn't look one bit disgusted. Red bean paste with chocolate cake? Eeeew! Just as the tomboy was about to say something, a girl with red hair and glasses hugged Orihime.

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