Chapter 8 - Espadas' arrival in the Soul Society

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Kaisha's POV

"Burst to life and incinerate, Kasai Dansa!" I shouted my zanpakuto's release incantation. My zanpakuto turned into shikai mode. The black parts of the blade turned into flames. Training with Toshiro and the other soul reapers was hard (and fun) but it paid off.

It was the Saturday that Grimmjow and Ulquiorra leave. It took me back to what happened yesterday.


As we were leaving school, I hugged Grimmjow goodbye. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried silently on his shoulder.

"So you'll n- never come back?" I asked. Grimmjow looked me in the eye and I got lost in his blue eyes.

"Kaisha, I probably won't return. I'm sorry" he looked away guiltily. I put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me. This is so cheesy, it's making me cry more.

"I have to go now. You'll be all right. Just remember, I love you" Grimmjow gave me a peck on the lips.

"I love you too" I smiled sadly. Pull it together Kaisha. It's not like you won't see him again. Wait, I'm pretty sure that is the situation here.

Then we had our last kiss, a kiss full of ever-lasting passion. He broke away and walked off with Ulquiorra, not before throwing me a it-will-be-all-right smile over his shoulder.


Toshiro stood infront of me now with his activated shikai. I got into a fighting stance. Toshiro nodded and I smirked. I pointed my zanpakuto at him. At the two tips where the 'Y' shape separated, a fireball started forming. I raised my spiritual pressure hire and then I hurled the two fireballs at Toshiro who dodged them easily. I sent two more at him and he dodged them yet again. (During this, I thought of the song 'Fireball' by Pitbull. Listen to it on the side.)

I flash stepped in a circle around Toshiro and sent fireballs to him from different directions. He made an ice shell all around him. I flashed stepped above him.

In the top half of my 'Y' shaped zanpakuto, where there is the space, it started to fill up with fire. I waved my zanpakuto up and then down, like a fan.

"Hono nonami!" I cried. (Hono nonami = Wave of flames)

A wave of flames burst from my zanpakuto and headed towards Toshiro. There was an explosion and then smoke covered the place. I flash stepped to a place outside of the smoke. I set my mind to full alert. Once the smoke cleared, I saw Toshiro standing in the middle, pretty bruised and battered. Around him, ice lay on the ground. I grinned at my awesome powers.

"That all you got?" I tried mocking Toshiro. He just smiled and came at me. Toshiro swung his sword at me but I blocked it with my sword. It went on for a while, hit, block, hit, block, hit, block. There were a few flash steps as well. He also cut me on the arm. I still wasn't that good at sword fighting.

"Damn" I muttered. Toshiro came at me with full blast, sending ice my way. I got knocked back a fair way. Before I could fall, I did a flip and landed on two feet.

Now, time for my ultimate move that I mastered with Kasai Dansa. I had my feet spread apart and I put my zanpakuto infront of me horizontally. My other hand holding on to it, I got ready.

"Piruetto-" Before I could start, Kisuke interrupted.

"Kaisha, Toshiro, sorry to stop you, but we have an emergency" Kisuke said as he fanned himself.

"WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA, KISUKE?!" I shouted angrily. Just barge in the middle of our training? NOT cool!

"Don't be so mean, Kaisha-chan" Kisuke pretended to cry. I rolled my eyes.

"So, what is this 'emergency'?" Toshiro questioned as he sheathed his zanpakuto. I did the same.

Kisuke turned serious. "You were sent here to figure out who's behind strange hollow disappearances. In the Soul Society, there are some intruders. They have not been found or identified. They are hiding their spirit energy and there seem to be a lot of them. We don't know how they got into the Soul Society. We think that they are also the people responsible for the hollows' disappearances" he explained the situation.

"Tessai wants us upstairs, where we can talk more about it" Kisuke added before going upstairs.

I follow the others upstairs.

Grimmjow's POV

(A few hours earlier)

"It's ready" Szayelaporro announced. Starrk, Baraggan and Harribel went to gather the hollows we captured hidden in the basement. The other espadas got ready to go to the Soul Society. Good bye dirty, abandoned warehouse and hello victory in the Soul Society. I could just taste the glory, the victory that we would get in the Soul Society.

I can't wait until I get to beat up Ichigo. Pretending to be his friend was horrible. I just wanted to punch his face. He killed me once, now I'm going to kill him. Thinking about him makes me think about yesterday.

I had to say good bye to Kaisha. It was heart breaking for me. It was probably more heart breaking for her. I was told to not make a relationship with any human. Yet I did it anyway. I truly did love her. Hopefully she will forget about me. But now, she's a soul reaper. No doubt she will go to the Soul Society with Ichigo and the others to fight us. I can't bear for her to find out who I really am. I can't bear to fight her.

"Let's go" Starrk ordered. Because he's the number one espada, he's in charge. One by one, we got into the makeshift senkaimon. Baraggan and Harribel handled the hollows at the back.

I wonder how many hollows we have. We tried pulling off their masks to make an arrancar and only one survived. It was a little girl called Taiyo. We trained her and she is pretty powerful.

"Watch out for the cleaner" Baraggan called and we sped up our running. Soon enough, we made it out. We appeared somewhere inside the Seireitei. Alarms started blaring. Immediately, we ran for cover, following Starrk.


OMG! I didn't think that was possible! I updated really fast! I'm going on holiday tomorrow, yay! While I enjoy my holiday, you enjoy reading this chapter! I'm dreading the plane ride though. I'm motion sick, like Natsu from Fairy Tail ^.^

'Taiyo' means 'sun' in English.

I'm sorry it's a bit short though. Please keep reading! VOTE! COMMENT! Thanks for reading! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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