Chapter 19 - Grimmjow vs Ichigo

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Kaisha's POV

My mind was still stuck between my time with Grimmjow and my time with Ichigo. I glanced at my hand which was clasped with Ichigo's. What was I going to do? My thoughts were interrupted by a powerful, yet familiar, spiritual pressure of an espada. We stopped our flash stepping, and looked around the clearing that we ended up in.

"Nice to see you again" the very familiar male voice said. Ichigo and I turned at the same time to see Grimmjow.

"Grimmjow" Ichigo sneered.

"Ichigo" Grimmjow mocked.

"Grimmjow! Long time no see" I pretended to be surprised to see him, and hurt that he betrayed us. Ichigo shouldn't know that I was recently hanging out with him so I had to act like I hadn't seen him for a while, but I was a horrible actress.

Ichigo studied my face and Grimmjow's, but it looks like our faces gave away something. Damn that Grimmjow! He wasn't even acting! It's like he wanted Ichigo to know that we were spending time together before.

"Kaisha. Did you see Grimmjow recently?" Ichigo asked me.

"No, no, of course not, I-" I sighed and gave up. "Fine, we did see each other." Grimmjow smirked as Ichigo's anger rose.

"I'm gonna kill you, Grimmjow!" Ichigo yelled as he charged at Grimmjow with his zanpakuto in front of him. I wanted to stop him, but my feet were frozen in place and my voice wasn't working.

"Ichigo!" I managed to finally shout, just as Grimmjow blocked Ichigo's attack.

I wiped a pretend bead of sweat from my forehead. This was intense. I didn't think I could stop them. They were much stronger than me and I'm pretty sure they had a score to settle. In my mind, I had a feeling that Ichigo was going to win, but I didn't want him to. I didn't want any of them to win, or die.

The battle was so serious, I had trouble following them with my eyes. They flew through the air, clashing so fast that they were a blur. Ichigo was in his bankai and Grimmjow was in his resurreccion form. I stared so hard that my eyes hurt and I was squinting. Ceros were shot and Getsuga Tenshos were shot.

"Come on Ichigo, is that all you got?!" Grimmjow taunted him. He was really pushing Ichigo's buttons. Was he trying to piss him off?

"Shut up Kitty" Ichigo yelled.

"What did you call me?" Grimmjow growled. Yep, growled, as in cat growled.

That started their argument, which I found hard to hear every single word that was said. The battle got rough as I occasionally spotted bruises, scratches, and major wounds. There was a big explosion and I covered my eyes. When I noticed the smoke dying down, I rushed over to them.

They were standing up, though Ichigo looked much more injured. Oh no. I could tell now that Ichigo had no chance of winning. Wait, what is that on Ichigo's face? I saw his bankai before, but I never saw this. It was a hollow mask on his face. What. The. Hell?

"Whoa" I whispered as I took a step back. Did he turn into a hollow, or something? The two guys finally noticed me and I think Ichigo could see the fear in my eyes. I didn't mean to be scared, but the hollow masked freaked me out and surprised me.

"Kaisha, it's still me" Ichigo said but his voice came out different. It was more eerie, that sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm a visored. It's a soul reaper who is half hollow, well, was turned into a hollow" Ichigo felt the need to briefly explain.

I nodded but remained silent. Aren't these guys going to continue fighting? Don't take it the wrong way. I didn't want them to fight.

"What a change of events. This time I get to kill you" Grimmjow smirked.

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