~ Chapter Eight ~

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We're back on deck in seconds, the stars sparkling up at us, reflected on the ocean waves. The rest of the crew is crowded on the port side, staring out at a ship that's keeping pace beside the Volkvolny.

Even through the darkness, I can see the glimmering eyes of the other crew, lit by bursts of Inferni flame. There must be a dozen of them lined up facing us, flint sparking as they light the deck with blazing swaths of fire. Amidst the flickering flames, I can see two Tidemakers perched on the rail, marked by their two-toned blue Keftas. So they're the source of the waves that knocked me and Nikolai across the cabin moments before.

Though I know what I'll see, my eyes travel slowly upward.

High above the deck flutters the Ravkan flag.

I spin to the Pirate Prince beside me, whispering fiercely, "I thought you said you worked for Ravka!"

"I do."

Nikolai's jaw is clenched as he looks out at the ship before us. Even in the darkness, I can see displeasure written across his face. He stalks across the deck toward Tamar and Tolya with me following on his heels.

"Updates." He commands, looking between his two left tenants.

He falls back into authority so effortlessly, clearly meant for it. I've known for a while that he has aspirations beyond the role of a second son, but it's never been as apparent as it is now. He commands the crew around him with the confident poise of a born leader.

He's not my little Prince anymore.

I'm standing a hair's breadth away, and yet I've never felt farther from him, not even in the years we spent apart.

"They're demanding to speak with Sturmhond," Tamar responds instantly, "They said they're searching for a deserter."

All eyes turn to me.

They've come for me, even though I told myself they wouldn't. They would never cross the ocean for a meer girl. A Squaller, untrained and untested, replaceable in every way. I'm no more vital to Ravka than a budding leaf to an oak. It may have the potential, but there are thousands of others just like it.

I'm expendable.

Yet here they are, chasing after me still. I underestimated them. Whether it's the Darkling's hunger for control or the King's desperation for an army, they aren't willing to let anyone slip through the cracks.

I glance at the Prince by my side, trying to hide the panic rising in my chest, "I was never technically in the Second Army so can I really be a deserter?"

Both the siblings glare at me, but Nikolai's smirk is back in a flash, despite the dire situation.

Toyla snorts in disgust, turning back to his Captain, "I'm not going to prison for her."

"Well, she's not going back to Ravka. Not with them." Nikolai glares across the deck to the other ship where the Inferni wait, his gaze fierce.

I want to throw my arms around him. Even surrounded by the army of Grisha, even with the anger of his crew, he's still trying to help me. He always is.

"Go." Nikolai pushes me lightly toward the door to the lower deck as a gangplank thunk into place on the side of the Volkvolny, "Stay out of sight until they're off the ship."

The siblings go to argue but Nikolai silences them with a look. Grisha soldiers are beginning to file onto the ship now and I take a step back, about to race toward the stairs when the Prince grabs my hand.

Tempest and Tide [Nikolai Lantsov]Where stories live. Discover now