~ Chapter Eleven ~

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Through the all-consuming darkness comes a sliver of light. It weaves its way through my mind, trying to pull me from the silent depths. I shrink away, content to sink back down into the cool darkness all around. Sleep is so peaceful and all I can feel from high above is pain.

Another strand of light spins toward me, then another, tugging more insistently until my consciousness is wrapped in a cocoon of light, dragging me violently from the depths.

My eyes fly open. My chest burns, the ocean in my lungs. I lean over as retching coughs rack my shoulders. When the last of the water dribbles from my mouth, I take a deep breath feeling a huge surge of relief as oxygen rushes back through me.

My arms give out and I let myself slump back to the deck. My head spins and my lungs ache, but every nerve within me hums with power. It swishes along my skin like a soft breeze, bringing the comfort of freedom with it.

When I finally manage to catch my breath, I slit my eyes open.

Three faces stare back down at me, half-lit by a lantern swinging behind them. The dappling light does nothing to stop the aching of my head. I blink, trying to clear the speckles of light from my eyes.

The farthest figures come into focus first. Tolya and Tamar, their faces glowing as if they've used their gift. They must have been the ones pulling my mind out of the darkness, bringing life back to my lungs. They saved me. I make a mental note to thank them later - when I'm sure I can speak.

Nearest to me is Nikolai. When my gaze switches from the siblings to him, he grins. Not his perfect cocky smile but one filled with relief. He sits back on his heels, shaking his head and sending sparkling drops of water cascading over me.

"You know, you might just be more insane than I am."

Wiping a salty drop from my cheek, I stare at him in disbelief. He's soaked to the bone. He's lost his jacket somewhere and his light cotton shirt clinging to his skin as rivulets of water stream from his hair and down his back. He has to be freezing in the brisk night, but if he's anything except his usual jolly self he doesn't show it.

"Why are you dripping?"

My voice is a low rasp, so much weaker than I expected. I chough, trying to clear my throat before I speak again. Swiping a hand through my hair I realize that I too am soaked through with salty water.

Damn, I probably smell like fish.

"You were above the water when you passed out," Nikolai slides onto the deck next to me. His hazel eyes twinkle in the lamplight, "Someone had to get you and you know how I adore it when people call me their hero, though I'll also answer to Savior or Prince Charming."

I nod dumbly, not really focused on his words. The vibrant energy that comes from my power is beginning to fade and I can feel the frigid ocean air around us. A shiver wracks my body and I sit up, pulling my knees to my chest.

Grabbing a blanket from the deck, he wraps it around my shoulders as he continues, "It seems you have as much of a flair for the dramatic as I do."

"I doubt that's possible," I mutter, pulling the rough spun fabric tighter around me. It does nothing to stop the chill wind.

"You sure about that," The Prince raises an eyebrow, "You weren't breathing for, what's the count now?"

"Three and a half minutes," Toyla answers as though this is nothing.

"What!" I shout, shooting upright, letting the blanket fall away from my shoulders. Panic surges through me.

"Easy," Nikolai says in a low voice, putting a hand on my arm to keep me seated. He glances up at the twins, "Give us a moment?"

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