~ Chapter Ten ~

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The door whips open with the force of a gale wind, the power of it roaring through me. I fly out, carried on a gust that I didn't know I summoned. As I land between the two I bring my hands together. The air explodes outward with a sound like rife fire. Both boys are tossed back as the bolt of flame spirals off into the night.

I turn to Andrei, watching with open contempt he struggles to his feet. I can still feel the breeze swirling around me, whipping my hair into the air. The strands of wind like armor against my skin.

Nikolais knife has skittered across the deck, stopping inches from the toe of my boot. I flick it up, aiming the blade at Andrei, "At least have the decency to threaten me to my face."

He smiles - a terrible and vicious look that makes me smart with anger. The flames die from his fingers as he takes a step closer. I force myself not to flinch, to hold my ground.

"Beautiful broken Korina, I see you found your way back to the worthless Prince." His gaze flickers over my shoulder to Nikolai. I don't have to turn to know that he's come to stand by my side.

"The only thing that's broken is going to be your nose if you take a step closer." My words are low. I've never threatened anyone before and the words burn on my tongue, but if anyone deserves it Andrei does.

"She'll make good on that too," Nikolai chuckles from my shoulder, "I've seen it up close."

Andrei's cheek twitches as he tries to fight back irritation. He gives his hand a slight flick, not seeming to gesture to anyone in particular, "Take her."

A dark murmur goes through the ranks and four Grisha step forward, all in Corporalki Red. I feel my resolve falter. Andrei, I can take, but four Heartrenders. That's a fight I can't win.

A shoulder bumps mine. I glance over at Nikolai. He seems to have regained his control, the moment of brash action over. His ever-confident smile is playing over his lips, one I know all too well. He would shoot me that grin before talking his way out of whatever trouble he'd just gotten us into.

"Oh Saints," I whisper, wishing I could dissolve into the deck and disappear, "you're going to do something stupid aren't you."


He drops me a wink, eyes sparking. I didn't think it was possible for him to get worse, but it seems that our time apart has made him almost insufferably brash.

Almost. If it wasn't so ridiculously charming.

I feel my heart flutter. Apparently, our time apart has also made me a simpering fool.

The Prince steps forward, all business once again as he turns to Andrei. My skin crawls as I see the Inferni's gaze lingering on me. I grip the knife tighter.

"Seeing as we're not in Ravkan waters, the Second Army has no jurisdiction here." Nikolai grins apologetically, swinging a hand back toward the gangplank, "So it would be greatly appreciated if you would all return to your sorry excuse for a ship and leave my fine crew alone."

The Grisha are looking back and forth, uncertain of whose commands to heed. I can see the crew edging into positions, hands resting on hilts, the undercover Grisha's hands coming up to ready positions.

"This is ridiculous, grab her!" Andrei shouts.

It seems that the Second Army is more loyal to Andrei than any otkazat'sya. All the Heartrenders move in sync, clasping their hands together.

The breath is ripped from my lungs. I've never felt their power before, and the pure force of it sends me crashing to my knees, the knife slipping from my grasp.

Tempest and Tide [Nikolai Lantsov]Where stories live. Discover now