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"And I get off on the pain I inflict"

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"And I get off on the pain I inflict"

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   Bella sat at the dining room table, her leg bouncing up and down as her hands trembled. Her pen scribbled across her pad of paper, her handwriting sloppy due to her nerves. Her eyes tried to focus on the files beneath her, but she couldn't seem to. Her brain wouldn't shut up.

   Spencer took a sip from his cup of water, setting it down in the sink before looking over at Bella. He furrowed his eyebrows before walking over to her, placing his gentle hands on her shoulders and giving them a comforting squeeze.

   "What are you so focused on, darling?" he asked, curiosity etched in his voice. 

   "These men," Bella started, her voice soft as she moved a photo over to be in Spencer's line of view. "They've been shot and killed, their teeth ripped out afterwards."

   Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait, that sounds like-"

   "The Dentist, I know."

   Sitting down next to Bella, Spencer grabbed a couple pictures before studying them, "The Dentist was locked away 10 years ago, Bells. You're the one that caught him."

   "I know," Bella sighed. "But isn't it weird? They're being murdered in the exact same way 10 years later."


   "Could be."

   Bella buried her face in her hands, frustration pouring out of her. Spencer frowned, reaching over and rubbing her back before squeezing her shoulders. Bella looked over at Spencer, offering a sad smile.

   "Let's put these away," Spencer suggested. "It's late, let's go to bed."

   "I can't sleep," Bella responded. "I don't want to sleep."

   "Talk to me, honey. What's bothering you?"

   Bella took a deep breath, "We faced a really scary unsub recently, Spence. Mr. Scratch...he...he hurt Hotch in a way that no one should ever be hurt. Hotch saw us all die, he had to hallucinate everyone's deaths. I--I can't sleep without hearing Scratch's voice."

   "He's in jail, Bells," Spencer said. "We got him, you don't have to worry about him."

   "And JJ just announced her pregnancy almost right after Kate did. What if something bad happens to them? What if they lose their babies?"

   "You're worrying about something that might not happen."

   "I just--I don't want to see them lose a child. It's the worst pain imaginable."

   "I know-"

   "And--and I can't get pregnant! It's just negative test after negative test! What if there is something wrong with me? What if the doctor was wrong and I actually CAN'T have children? I--we might not be parents."

Everything In Blue - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now