Day One (TW: Self harm)

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Gamzee Makara was definitely a good person. Well. In his respects at least. He was somewhat responsible. And a happy guy. He enjoyed music and social situations. So. Hearing that he could get a new roommate was a good experience. He had always wanted to live with another person. So when Sol recommended it. Gamzee was all in. It sounded great. So he packed up. Grabbed some of his favorite soda and headed out.

His first encounter with his new roommate was somewhat... Cold. Karkat seemed like he needed time to warm up. So Gamzee gave it to him. Going about with decorating his new room and hanging up his posters. He hummed along to his music and tacked up posters. He was standing precariously on the headboard of his bed when he toppled back onto the floor with a huge thump. Earning a yell from Karkat.

By the time Gamzee was done it was late and he decided to turn in with his laptop. Deciding to talk to Sollux if he was still awake.

After a brief conversation with his friend Gamzee turned in. He didn't know how to get through to Karkat. But he knew he would find a way. His chance came that night when he helped pay the bills. Karkat seemed pleasantly surprised as Gamzee cracked a Fago and filled out several checks. He knew that he would have to hold up his side of the deal. And he was happy to oblige. He just wanted to be able to help out as much as he could.

"Got any plans for tonight Karbro?" He drawled as he hopped up and sat on the counter. Looking down at the small man with curious indigo eyes.

"I have online classes to take." Karkat said quietly. He was always quiet. Even if his tone was aggressive. But Gamzee wasn't affected by little things like that.

"You wanna motherfuckin chill and watch a fuckin movie while you do that?" Gamzee asked as he took another swig of the tooth-rotting drink.

"Uh. Probably not. It'll break my damn concentration." Karkat muttered.

"Awh. You need mothafuckin' all up and chill Karbro. All of this business is too motherfuckin' much for a brother to handle." Gamzee hummed. Eyeing Karkat through the black hair that fell into his calm eyes.

"I'm fine. Really. And stop calling me Karbro." The shorter man scowled as he played with the ends of his sleeves. Gamzee couldn't help but notice how cute the aggressive man really was.

"Awh. Well. That's motherfuckin fine brother. You all up and do your motherfuckin thing. I'll just be out here doin my thing if you fuckin need me." Gamzee drawled before sliding down off of the counter and strolling back to the living room; Where he climbed over the back of the couch and plopped down in his new spot. Starting his movie as he set his laptop on his lap again.

He was a bit surprised when Karkat ventured out a little while later. Wrapped up in a hoodie and a thick blanket. The tall man moved his legs so Karkat could curl up on the other end. Looking miffed with himself as he pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around his legs. Gamzee bent his knees so he only took up two cushions instead of all of them.

"Don't think I'm out here because of your stupid offer. I'm just done with my classes and I was bored." Karkat muttered when Gamzee opened his mouth to say something.

"Alright brother. Just wanted to mothafuckin ask." Gamzee shrugged before he pushed a hand through his mess of black hair and turned his eyes back to the laptop on his legs.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Karkat muttered as he pulled the blanket around his shoulders. Gamzee messaged Sollux. Just to ask what was up with Karbro.

TC: HeY BrOtHeR wHaTs Up WiTh KaRbRo?
TA: why? What'2 he doiing?
TC: HeS aLl Up In ThIs MoThErFuCkInG bLaNkEt AnD iT bE dEpReSsInG
TA: oh. He doe2 that when he'2 up2et or 2omethiing
TC: AwH. iS tHeRe MoThErFuKiNg AnYtHiNg I cAn Do To HeLp A bRoThEr OuT?
TA: your gue22 ii2 a2 good a2 miine
TC: OkAy. Im GOnNa Go TaLk To ThE sAd MoThErFuCkEr
TA: alriight

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