Day In The Life

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Karkat did his best to keep Gamzee from sinking too low in the following days. He did whatever he could. Reminding Gamzee to eat or get dressed. The other man seemed hung up on the idea that it was his fault. And Karkat tried his best to remind Gamzee that it really wasn’t his fault. He sat with the taller man for hours, with Gamzees head in his lap, listening to his roommate talk, sometimes it was about Tavros, sometimes it was about seemingly nothing in particular. They talked a lot in the time after, in the morning over their pillow (They shared a bed because Gamzee got awful nightmares if he wasn’t holding someone), at three AM when they should have been asleep hours ago, over too-hot cups of coffee in cafes. Whenever they could really. It was part of Gamzees mourning, and it helped them to get to know each other even more. Karkat learned that Gamzee was actually allergic to cats, yet he still loved them despite the sneezing. Or the fact that he brought his hamster to school in third grade and kept it in his desk all day.

By the end of the third week, Gamzee had started to smile again, and things looked like they were brightening up for the pair. Gamzee got a raise and a promotion at the bar. Karkat broke up with Sollux but only because they wouldn’t have worked, things had gotten awkward and tense between them. But things seemed to be evening out for them. 

It was just a normal morning, Gamzee had his legs in Karkats lap as Karkat did his homework and Gamzee flicked aimlessly through the TV channels. Karkat was working on an assignment where he had to describe what happiness was to him. After awhile he glanced over at Gamzee and remembered all of the stupid shit they had done together. And he set to work writing as Gamzee huffed and flicked over a few more channels.

What is happiness to me?

Well, happiness is different to anyone. 

To me? 

Happiness is sleepy smiles over too-hot morning coffee

Happiness is making blanket forts and having pillow fights once you’re far too old

It’s pelting each other with marshmallows while laughing about wasting them

It’s aimless conversations over a shared pillow before you’ve even considered getting up

Happiness is in taking care of eachother just because

It’s dancing in your kitchen together in your pajamas in the middle of the night because you can

It’s enjoying someones company just to be quiet with eachother

Happiness is in reading and long naps together

Happiness is in baking and laughing when it comes out all wrong

It’s in all-nighters pulled just to watch movies and talk to each other

It’s peeling off your jackets after being in the cold and settling down under a blanket together

It’s hearing your roommate singing loudly and off-key in the shower

It’s stupid inside jokes to get the other in stitches with one word

It’s waking up in the middle of the night to roll over and hear their heartbeat 

It’s knowing that you love someone deeply and forever, no matter in what way

He read over his work again and nodded in satisfaction. This was good. It would make an impact. He certainly knew that. He wondered what Gamzee would write if asked. Even if his friend didn’t take classes. Online or otherwise. So Karkat wondered if he should ask his friend to write something as he emailed the work to his professor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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