I'm Drowning

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It took Karkat a moment to relax as Gamzees mind reeled. He couldn’t believe that Karkat was kissing him. After the boy had freaked out earlier, Gamzee just assumed that Karkat didn’t feel the same. But now he could feel the soft press of Karkats lips against his own. He could feel Karkats heart racing as he pulled the smaller man closer. He pulled away a little, their lips still brushing as he kept his arms tight around Karkat. He didn’t even care about the marks on his face at the moment. Karkat was there and he was blushing furiously, and in that moment he was all that Gamzee could see. 

“Calm down Karbro.” He said with a soft smile. Leaning in and connecting their lips again as Karkat let out a relieved breath. Gamzee felt small hands tangle into his hair as he cupped Karkats face with one of his hands. His long fingers brushing against Karkats neck as he pulled the smaller man into his lap. Marveling at how perfect this all was. No, they didn’t lock together like pieces of a puzzle, their lips didn’t melt together like it was meant to happen. It was actually a bit awkward. Karkat nearly elbowed Gamzee in the stomach as he got comfortable in Gamzees lap. And they bumped their heads together as Gamzee shifted a bit. Earning muffled laughs from both of them as they pulled away a little. 

“It’s not like the movies is it?” Karkat said with a grumble. Even if his cheeks were flushed and the corner of his mouth pulled up in a soft smile as he cuddled against Gamzee. 

“No, it really motherfuckin’ ain’t Karbro.” Gamzee hummed as he stroked Karkats hair and relaxed against the couch. Karkat was sort of on top of him by now. One of Gamzees legs bent at the knee and leaning against the back of the couch. His other foot on the floor so Karkat could lie comfortably on his chest.

“You’re a fuckin miracle, did I ever motherfuckin’ tell you that?” Gamzee rumbled as Karkat hid his face in Gamzees chest. Nosing against Gamzees hoodie as he blushed furiously and shook his head.

“You stupid sappy fuckass.” He mumbled as his arms rested around the upper half of Gamzees torso. 

“Just motherfuckin sayin’. Every brother’s gotta get his motherfuckin understandin’ on about what they're worth.” Gamzee hummed. Closing his eyes and resting his head back against the couch. It was really fucking nice to have Karkats warm body wrapped up in his arms. They were warm in the cool apartment. Seeing as it was December and they seriously had to conserve on oil bills. Gamzee smiled softly as he felt Karkat shift before a blanket covered both of them and Karkat curled up under it with his head on Gamzees shoulder, having shifted so he could cover both of them and not have his head under the blanket. His toes barely reached Gamzees calves as the taller man pulled him close and opened his eyes, smiling lazily at him as he played with Karkats surprisingly soft hair. 

“You’re motherfuckin’ wonderful Karbro.” He said casually as he leaned down a little and kissed Karkats head. Smiling as Karkat flushed and grumbled. Picking up the remote and leaning up to kiss Gamzees un-cut cheek as he turned the TV on and Gamzee pulled his legs up onto the couch. 

“Shoosh.” Karkat murmured. Patting Gamzees cheek as he leaned his head against the crook of Gamzees neck as he fiddled with the TV until he decided on something. Settling comfortably into Gamzees arms as the taller man ignored the TV and played with Karkats hair. One arm still draped around Karkats waist. 

“You’re really warm.” Gamzee drawled absently as he leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes. Still petting Karkats hair as the other man watched the screen. He had settled on something called ‘Doctor Who’ which Gamzee wasn’t familiar with, but he didn’t mind. He was just happy to have Karkat in his arms. It was nice. And it just felt right. Karkats small shoulder blades pressing against his ribs. The other boys legs curled up onto just Gamzees thighs. And the softness of Karkats hair against his collar, it was the best thing in the world for Gamzee. 

Just Roommates (GamKar/GamTav/SoulKat humanstuck AU)Where stories live. Discover now