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~ A couple of days later ~

“Tav? You awake?” Gamzee rumbled as he shifted a little, his nose bumping against his boyfriends forehead.

“Gamzee go back to sleep, it’s too early.” Tavros protested squeakily as he squished closer to Gamzees chest cutely. 

“Alrighty motherfucker, I’ll all up and do that.” Gamzee chuckled as he held Tavros close to his bare chest and closed his eyes.


“Okay, okay I got it Tavbro.”

Gamzee woke again a couple hours later as Tav woke him with a sweet kiss. Earning a smile and hum from the lanky man as Gamzee propped himself on one arm. His other hand moving up to rest against the back of Tavros’ neck. Smiling as the other man pulled away a little. Gamzee couldn’t help but think about Karkat, how slightly chapped and cracked his lips were… Gamzee shoved the thoughts back as he cracked a grin at Tav. 

“Well, am I gonna be wakin’ up to this every mornin’?” Gamzee drawled as he sat up slowly. His hair still a ruffled mess and his eyes still foggy with sleep. 

“I-I dunno, it depends I guess, maybe?” Tavros blushed as he flopped down on his boyfriends chest. 

“Good enough for me Tav.” Gamzee chuckled, petting Tavs hair and closing his eyes as he relaxed again. There was no pressure to get out of bed, they didn’t have plans, they didn’t have anywhere to be. So they just laid there with each other for a good hour. Not saying anything as a comfortable silence floated about and they relaxed in each others presence. 

“You’ve got your motherfuckin’ cuddle on now, don’t ya’ Tavbro.” The taller man smiled, not bothering to open his eyes as Tavros huffed and blushed faintly.

“I hate you.” He laughed softly. Tucking his head in the crook of Gamzees neck and closing his eyes again.

“Nah, you motherfuckin love me.” Gamzee grinned. Rubbing Tavros’ back and holding him close.

“Nope, never.” Tavros hid his smile in Gamzees neck as his arm slid around his boyfriends chest.

“Awh, I’m so hurt Tav, you’re all up and makin’ me sad.” Gamzee grinned crookedly. Ruffling Tavros’ hair and kissing his temple.

“Don’t be sad.” Tavros mumbled against Gamzees neck as he pressed a kiss to Gamzees skin.

“I do love you, asshole.” Tavros smiled sweetly. Earning a content hum from Gamzee.

“I know.” Gamzee smirked as he patted Tavs hair and relaxed against the bed. Earning a huff and a mutter from his boyfriend.

“You’re an asshole, you really are.” Tavros muttered as he nuzzled against Gamzee, their legs tangled together and their bodies clicking together perfectly. 

“But I’m your asshole.” Gamzee drawled as he rubbed between tavros’ shoulders. Getting a slight nod and a sound of approval.

“Damn straight you are.” Tavros said proudly as they both settled against eachother. 

It was another hour or two before they actually got up, moving to the couch instead, just to hang out and talk as they watched some random reality show, neither of them pressured to get out of their pajamas and into some normal clothes. It was really nice to just sit there with eachother. Just talking about nothing in particular as the time ticked by. Gamzee loved being around Tavros just for this reason, the other man was always willing to talk about the most random things, from bugs to philosophy, depending on how they felt that day. It was the best feeling in the world to just sit there with each other and hang out, no need to actually do anything in particular to please eachother.

Just Roommates (GamKar/GamTav/SoulKat humanstuck AU)Where stories live. Discover now