Please Don't Leave

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It was hours before Karkat truly calmed down. After several bouts of tears or just silence between the two. Gamzee didn't loosen his hold on Karkat even a little. Staying with his friend and feeling awful for hurting Karkat at all. He hadn't known that Karkat had relied on him so much; seeing as Karkat was always so harsh towards him. Towards everyone really. But Gamzee had never truly realized how much Karkat relied on him until now.
When the smaller man finally relaxed, Gamzee pulled away a little and wiped Karkats tears with gentle fingers. His eyes soft and his touches gentle. He could see how broken Karkat looked. And it was enough to make him want to cry. Which was saying something since Gamzee had only cried a handful of times in his whole life.
"Let's get you all up and cleaned up yeah?" Gamzee said gently as he brushed Karkats hair back and brushed a stray tear off of his friends cheek. Karkat nodded a little. His eyes down as Gamzee got to his feet. The smaller male was about to stand when Gamzee just scooped him up into his arms. Karkat squirmed at first before he just shut his eyes and leaned against Gamzees shoulder. Gamzee would have sold his soul to know what Karkat was thinking at that moment. He just wanted to help and be able to tell what Karkat was feeling. But the boy in Gamzees arms stayed silent a Gamzee set him on the bathroom counter and sighed.
"Arms." Gamzee said gently. Karkat bit his lip and looked away before he just grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it off. Exposing his slim torso as Gamzees eyes shadowed with sadness. Karkats arms and hips were covered with deep cuts. Most of them spelling out the word 'unwanted'. Gamzee felt like the worst person in the world. Knowing that he had aided Karkats destruction. But he didn't say anything as he took care of his friend. Bandaging and being incredibly gentle as tears dripped down Karkats cheeks. Gamzee finished with his work and just pulled his hoodie off. Wanting to wash the blood out of Karkats black sweater before the other man wore it again. So he gave Karkat his own purple hoodie. Which Karkat accepted timidly and pulled it on over his small shoulders. Gamzee zipped the front for him as Karkat pulled the sleeves up so he could use his hands. The collar of the hoodie nearly slipping off of his shoulder as Gamzee lifted him off of the counter and led him into the living room.
"Why are you doing this?" Karkat asked glumly as Gamzee had him sit on the couch. Wrapping him up in his blanket and kissing his hair in a brotherly way.
"Cause I motherfuckin' care about you Karbro." Gamzee said softly.
"Then why did you leave?" Karkat whispered as he looked up at Gamzee through long eyelashes. Gamzee frowned as he sat down next to his friend.
"I didn't know you all up and motherfuckin needed me. I thought it would be fuckin better if you didn't have to deal with me and Tav." Gamzee said gently as he draped his arms around Karkat gently. The man hesitated before he leaned into Gamzees arms.
"Oh.... Okay." Karkat murmured as he shifted and pressed his face into Gamzees neck. Gamzee sighed a little. Knowing that Karkat would need some time to open up. He just wanted to keep Karkat as comfortable as he could.
"It's gonna be okay Karbro. I'm here and I'm not motherfuckin' leavin' anytime soon yea?" Gamzee said gently as he ran a hand over Karkats hair. His arm sliding under his friends legs as he lifted him into his lap. Karkat nodded slowly and closed his eyes as he relaxed into Gamzees chest. Gamzee didn't know what else to say so he just closed his eyes and rubbed Karkats back. Closing his eyes and holding the other man close until Karkats hitched breathing evened out and Gamzee realized that his friend had fallen asleep in his arms.
Gamzee gently lifted Karkat and set the other man on the couch so Karkat could lay on his side as Gamzee draped the blanket over him. He pressed a kiss to Karkats temple and slipped into the kitchen. Quietly making some soup and putting it on the stove before he returned to the living room and sat down on the end of the couch. Moving Karkats head into his lap as he played with the sleeping mans hair. He wouldn't have to get up for a few hours and he didn't plan on it as he pulled his phone out and texted Tavros. They were still friends. They just decided that a relationship wouldn't work.

TC: HeYa TaV
TC: NoT mUcH. kArBrO iS aLl UpSeT
TC: HeS aLl Up AnD
TC: UnStAbLe?
TC: AnD hE wAs BeFoRe I lEfT.
TC: WeLl
TC: HeS aLl Up AnD cRiEd HiMsElF tO sLeEp At ThE mOmEnT.
TC: YeAh. SlEeP wIlL dO a BrOtHeR sOmE MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLes
TC: WeLl. I gOtTa Go MoThErFuCkIn WaTcH oVeR hIm. SeE Ya RoUnD

Karkat slept for a good hour. And Gamzee didn't move once. He simply relaxed where he was and thought up ways to help his friend. Maybe cheer him up and make him feel wanted again. There was a carnival just out of town, but that was out, Karkat wouldn't like it at all. They could just relax and watch movies? Yeah that would be more Karkats style. Even if Gamzee wasn't a big fan of the movies Karkat liked. He would still watch them for his friend. Gamzee thought before Karkat woke up. Tears dripping from his eyes before he realized that it hadn't been a dream and Gamzee was still there. One hand in his friends hair. The other rubbing Karkats side gently as he calmed the man from obvious nightmares.
"You need to motherfuckin' eat somethin'. I made some motherfuckin' soup if you want any." Gamzee said gently as Karkat stayed where he was. Relaxing under Gamzees large hands.
"Not right now." Karkat murmured. Still groggy as he looked at Gamzees knees and relaxed. It was so nice to have his friend back. But Gamzee wasn't aware of Karkats thoughts as he played with Karkats hair. Wanting to wrap the other man up in his arms and make him feel safe and loved. Gamzee wanted to do that more than anything. But he would restrict himself as much as he could for mow. Settling for this as he looked down at Karkat sadly. He would do his best to fix what he had fucked up. He shifted and moved Karkat. About to get up and go do something before Karkat caught his wrist.
"Please don't go..." The other man said as he looked up at Gamzee with huge eyes. Gamzee was a bit taken aback but sat back down and wrapped his arms around Karkat.
"It's okay. I motherfuckin' got you. I'm not leavin'." Gamzee said gently.
He wouldn't leave again unless Karkat wanted him to.

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