Sleepless Nights

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It took a couple weeks for Karkat and Gamzee to fall into their usual routine. Even if Gamzee was always watching out for his small friend and doing randomly sweet things for him. Karkat didn't know why Gamzee was being so caring all of the sudden. Going out of his way for Karkat, sometimes the smaller of the two would be at work and Gamzee would show up, having brought his friend lunch. They spent a lot more time together and even did the little stuff together. Shopping. Paying bills. They had actually gotten into the habit of taking walks sometimes.
Karkat had never known Gamzee to be anything but a heavy sleeper. Gamzee motherfucking Makara could sleep through fucking anything. Karkat decided that the day that there was a car crash outside of their building. And the idiot remained blissfully ignorant until he woke up. But. This. This was something that scared Karkat more than anything he had ever heard.
That night, at around two in the morning, Gamzees tortured scream ripped through the apartment like a chainsaw. And that seriously scared his friend. Karkat was a very light sleeper. And his eyes were wide open the second Gamzee started screaming. The boy got out of bed quickly as the yell stopped. Slipping out of his room and flicking the hall light on. His phone standing by with 911 ready to call if there was a murderer. He tried his friends door before pushing it open. Putting his phone away when he saw that Gamzee was alone. But sobbing into his pillow. That sight sent jolts of pain through Karkats heart as he clicked the door closed and made his way to where Gamzee was.
"Gamzee?" He asked softly as he clicked the bedside lamp on and sat down against the headboard. Reaching over and brushing his fingers over Gamzees thick hair. After getting no response. Karkat bit his lip and shifted so he could lie next to his friend and wrap his arms around Gamzees shoulders. Looking very concerned as he watched Gamzees hair.
"H-Hey. It's okay. It was just a dream. Okay? It's alright." Karkat soothed as he pulled Gamzee closer. Shifting a little so Gamzee could lean his head against Karkats shoulder. Which he did. Tears still falling from his eyes as he slowly calmed down with Karkat still stroking his hair as the smaller man stayed quiet. Eventually a long pair of arms twined around Karkat and Gamzee pulled the smaller male into his arms.
"You alright Gam?" Karkat murmured. He never called Gamzee that. But he wasn't thinking and he was still half asleep. Gamzee nodded slightly as he pressed his face into Karkats hair. Taking a shuddering breath as Karkat rubbed his chest soothingly.
"What was that all about?" Karkat asked cautiously. His hands moving up to run over Gamzees defined collar and shoulders.
"Just a motherfuckin' nightmare Karbro. I'll be okay." Gamzee said softly. Sounding a bit broken as Karkat snuggled closer. Letting Gamzee hold him. Seeing as it seemed to be comforting for the taller male.
"You woke up screaming. The entire building probably thinks that we just got murdered." Karkat pointed out as Gamzees hands curled into the back of his shirt. Making him shiver a little as he prodded closer to his friend. This was oddly soothing for both of them. Just lying there in eachothers arms.
"What on earth were you dreaming about that messed you up that bad?" Karkat asked gently as he turned his eyes up to his friend. His eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"I-I all up and watched myself stab you in the chest. Multiple times. I don't know why the motherfucking hell I wanted to hurt you. But. God. It was motherfucking awful." Gamzee whispered brokenly. His eyes screwed shut as a few tears slipped out and Karkat bit his lip. Shifting up and cupping Gamzees face in his hands as he leaned up and kissed each of Gamzees eyelids before gently brushing his tears away and running his thumbs over Gamzees cheekbones to soothe him.
"Hey. It's gonna be alright. I'm right here." Karkat soothed as he moved one hand to brush Gamzees wild hair back. He was in love with this man. And he couldn't bear to see Gamzee in that much pain. It was killing him.
"Okay. Okay. I motherfuckin got it." Gamzee nodded. Looking a bit more relaxed as he leaned into Karkats touch. Letting out a breath that smelled like Faygo and smoke (likely from the bar Gamzee now worked at ), But Karkat honestly didn't care. He was too wrapped up in the way that Gamzee was holding him. Or the fact that the other man had been so upset over something like that happening to him. It was breaking his heart to see Gamzee looking so broken. Even if Gamzee seemed to be getting a bit better with Karkats attention and sweetness directed towards him.
Eventually Gamzee fell asleep again. And Karkat settled in for s night in his friends arms as he snuggled into Gamzees chest.
"I love you, you stupid assfuck." Karkat whispered after Gamzee had been out for fifteen minutes. He just needed to say it. Even if Gamzee was asleep. He needed to say something before he went crazy and did something stupid. Eventually he drifted off in Gamzees comforting arms. His head against Gamzees collar as their legs tangled together and they found comfort in eachothers embrace.
The next morning when Karkat woke up. Gamzee was still there. But not asleep. They had shifted in the night so Karkat was lying on top of Gamzee. With one of Gamzees legs on either side of his body. His cheek resting against the center of his friends chest. And his hands curled into the fabric of Gamzees shirt. He shifted and made a sleepy mewling sound as he blinked groggily. Trying to remember why he was sleeping on top of his best friend. Or why he was in Gamzees room at all. And then he remembered Gamzees nightmare and looked up at his friend. Having to squint to get his blurry vision to focus as Gamzee grinned at him and chuckled softly.
"Anyone ever up and told you how motherfuckin cute you are when you wake up in the morning?" Gamzee chuckled as the taller mans hand found its way into Karkats hair. Messing with the soft strands as Karkat scowled at him and smacked his chest lightly.
"You're not supposed to talk like that you're my best- mmf-" Karkat was cut off in surprise when Gamzee pulled him up and pressed his lips against his friends. Karkats eyes went wide and he froze like a deer in the headlights. Before he pulled away and stared at the nervous Gamzee with wide eyes.
"What the hell was that?" Karkat whispered. Eyes wide as he brushed his fingertips over his bottom lip in shock.
"Sorry brother..." Gamzee said awkwardly. Rubbing the back of his neck as Karkat realized just how close they still were. He was sure it was just a heat of the moment type thing. That was it right? There was no way someone as amazing as Gamzee could like him. Karkat distracted himself by looking over at Gamzees clock and cursing softly.
"Fuck. We have to get to work." He said softly before he removed himself from Gamzees arms and room. Hurrying to his own amd brushing down his messy hair before he pulled on some clean clothes and slipped out.
His mind was still lingering on the kiss as he walked to work. The cool autumn air pulling a flush into his cheeks that darkened the faint blush that was already there. Karkat couldn't forget how soft Gamzees lips had been. Or how gentle the other man was. It had been perfect. But had it? Did Gamzee really mean it? Or was he just curious? Or even bored maybe? Karkat wasn't sure if he even wanted to know.
It would be days before Karkat confronted the problem. After constantly trying to avoid Gamzee and thinking into the matter too much. The tension between them was obvious. And it was growing. Karkat was dying for another touch of Gamzees soft lips. Gamzee always looked like he wanted to say something. But never did. The two were a mess. That one little thing had scared them both enough that they had gone mostly silent to eachother. Both lost in their own thoughts the entire time. Karkat was pretty sure he was going crazy. With all of Gamzees silence. He was worried that something was wrong. He wanted to talk to his friend. But an opportunity never presented itself. Until that night Gamzee came home from work early. Karkat looked up when Gamzee spoke.
"Karkat?" Was the quiet voice. Earning volumes of concern from Karkat as he looked up from what he had been doing. Noticing the blood on Gamzees knuckles. The way he was standing. And the fact that his hood was up so his face was cast into shadow.
"Woah. What the shit happened Gamzee?" Karkat asked as he frowned and got to his feet. Gamzee appeared a bit alarmed as he rested his hands on Karkats shoulders. Keeping him at arms length so Karkat couldn't see his face.
"Gamzee?" Karkat asked. Worry tainting his voice as he tried to catch Gamzees eyes. Before he made a sound of frustration and ducked away from Gamzees hands. Slipping between his arms and reaching up. Gripping his hood and flipping it back so he could see his friends face. And when the light hit the cuts on Gamzees face. Karkats eyes widened before he let out a soft sound. Looking sad.
"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." Karkat murmured. He knew that he would want an explanation. But he would wait for Gamzee to talk on his own time. He led his friend into the bathroom and sat him down on the edge of the tub. Pulling out the frequently used first-aid kit and cleaning the blood from the three long cuts. Disinfecting them and moving on to Gamzees split knuckles. Which weren't actually that bad. The blood covering the backs of his hands must have been someone else's.
"The manager all up and asked me to deal with a rowdy customer." Gamzee started quietly. "The motherfucker got angry when I asked him to leave. Broke a bottle on the bar and fuckin threatened me. I didn't believe him and asked him to get the fuck out again. He was antagonizing other motherfuckers after all. The guy lashed out and got me across the face. Well. In order to get him out I got into w motherfuckin' fight. Manager sent me home early." Gamzee said softly as Karkat finished wrapping his knuckles. Karkat looked down and noticed how broken Gamzee looked. God. He felt awful. Gamzee didn't deserve something like that.
"Come on then. I'm sure you don't want to sit in here all night." Karkat said gently as he took Gamzees hand. Leading him into the living room and sitting down on the couch. Wrapping a blanket around his tall friend and earning a slight chuckle.
"Shoosh. It helps sometimes." Karkat scowled. His hands still gripping the blanket around Gamzees shoulders. He bit his lip before he tugged Gamzee down to look him in the eye. Gamzees gorgeous indigo gaze locked on him in confusion as Karkat watched him for a moment.
"You're still gorgeous okay? So don't be thinking that one thing fucks up how you look." Karkat said firmly before he leaned up and pressed his lips to Gamzees. Hoping that he wasn't making a mistake as his heart pounded against his ribs. All of his doubts were swept away as Gamzees arms slid around him. Pulling him closer as they both melted into eachothers arms again.

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