Different Roads

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"Gamzee get your lazy ass out of bed." 


"Gamzee fucking Makara get your ass up." 

"Nyegh, go the motherfuck back to sleep Karbro, too motherfuckin' early for this shit." 

"... It's two in the afternoon assfuck."

"Still too motherfuckin early."

"You're a fucking lazy shit." 

Karkat grumbled as he squirmed out of Gamzees arms and slipped out of the room. Grabbing some clothes as he went to the bathroom. He grabbed a quick shower and blow-dried his hair as he waited for Gamzee to get up. He pulled on some clothes as he yawned widely. He had been up way too late last night. Despite the nap he had taken with Gamzee earlier that evening. Still. He got tired really quickly for some reason. 

The short man wandered into the kitchen and noticed the rises. Biting his lip and smiling faintly as he picked them up and stuck them in a vase. He assumed they were from Gamzee. Seeing as he was such a sappy motherfucker. Karkat smiled softly and shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair and stretched his arms above his head. 

He shrieked in surprise when suddenly a pair of long arms slid around him and Gamzees cold hands were under his sweater. Causing him to squirm in surprise as Gamzee hummed lazily and pressed his face into Karkats hair. Still groggy and half asleep as Karkat cursed at him. 

"I need to put a fucking bell on you, you fucking ninja assfuck." Karkat said indignantly. Noticing that Gamzee hadn't bothered to get dressed so he was still in a pair of low-hanging pajama pants, his boxers clinging to his sharp hips above the waistband of his pants. 

"God you need to put on some damn clothes." Karkat muttered as he blushed and leaned his head back against Gamzees chest, glaring up at him with a pissy look, although he was quite enjoying the warmth of Gamzees body against his back.

"Awh, why though Karbro?" Gamzee drawled lazily. His chin on the top of Karkats head and his hands still splayed out against Karkats warm stomach. His palms against Karkats slim sides as he smiled innocently down at the annoyed man.

"Cause, you're weird. And I don't need to my roommate running around half naked." He mumbled. "Besides, I wanna go get coffee and you need to be wearing fucking clothes to do that. So go get dressed." Karkat grumbled as he pulled away and eyes Gamzees mess of black curls. He knew he would have to take a brush to that. So he shooed Gamzee off and grabbed a brush. He was determined to tame his roommates stupid hair. 

Gamzee returned a moment later, having switched to a pair of skinny jeans and some random band shirt. His hoodie pulled on over it and a sleepy look still in his eyes as Karkat hopped up on the counter.

"Get over here assfuck." Karkat said firmly. Earning a confused look from Gamzee before he did as Karkat ordered. Letting the small man hook his legs around Gamzees hips.

"Uh, Karbro, what the motherfuck are you doing?" Gamzee raised an eyebrow as he rested his hands on the counter on either side of Karkat. 

"I'm fixing your stupid goddamn hair." Karkat muttered as he scowled and pulled Gamzee down, starting to grumble and curse as he took a brush to his friends thick black curls.

"Fuck do you need a haircut." He mumbled as Gamzee protested quietly to the attack on his hair.

"Shoosh your face and turn around." Karkat scowled as he spun the tall man around and took the brush to the back of Gamzees hair. 

It took a good twenty minutes for Karkat to manage Gamzees hair, before he spun his friend around with a sigh. Setting the brush down as he hummed and looked up at Gamzee. Reaching up and raking his fingers through Gamzees black curls and smiling a little when his fingers met no knots. Although Gamzee did look a tad annoyed. 

Just Roommates (GamKar/GamTav/SoulKat humanstuck AU)Where stories live. Discover now