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You shot upright in bed holding your head in your hands trying to steady your breathing. You keep having dreams of someone watching you while you sleep, and it's starting to get to you. You try to reason with yourself saying it's just because you indulge yourself morbid media in your free time, but the nightmares are starting to get out of hand.

You drag your feet towards the shower and lock the door, quickly tossing away your drenched clothes before turn on the shower.
You finished, do your hair and throw on your work clothes. You snatch your knife and taser from the dresser that you recently purchased out of paranoia.

You exit your apartment complex and proceed to walk down the route you take to get to the park. You visit there regularly to clear your head from all the stress you've been dealing with.

You eventually make it and sit on top of the wooden picnic table with your feet planted on the board you would normally sit on.

But no one was around so it doesn't matter.

Or so you thought.

You feel the presence of someone sitting uncomfortably close to you. You side glance at them to be met with large blues hues that belonged to a slender man with an eerily excited face. "Who are you?" You ask monotonously.

"O-oh I'm, your boyfriend just wanted to say hi to you I-I was wondering why you were all alone?" He asks rubbing his neck. "What did you just say?" Your eyes narrow.

"I'm your boyfriend." He repeats scooting closer to you. "Are you delusional?" You spat in disgust. "No, of course not." He says moving closer.

"Why are you moving closer to me?" You ask bluntly. "O-Oh was I? I didn't even notice sorry... Heh..." He says nervously once again.

You decided to not walk away immediately, the idea of a man deluding himself into thinking you and him are in a relationship, even though we've never even met before, interested you. Your life is pretty uneventful and you don't see this every day.

You sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes and you watch him burn holes into the side of your head not even trying to be subtle.

This was a poor decision, he isn't even doing anything..

"Well, I have to go my peace has been disturbed so there's no reason for me to be here." You say walking away.

"Wait!" You feel the man grab your wrist. You yank it back and instantly grab the knife out of your pocket and move behind him putting it up to his throat.

"If I ever see you again I'll rip out your throat." You rasp, your words sharp as daggers. Unbeknownst to you, this aroused the stranger to a disturbing degree. "O-of course." He managed to get out without drooling.

Y/n walked away without another word, not looking back at the man she left hot and bothered. Peter is aware of Y/n's personality and abilities such as being a genuinely cold and blunt person. Extremely hard to make open up about herself. Knows martial arts. Is well trained with knives. Is good at running from doing track in high school.

Oh, the memories Peter has about her from track.

He would go to every meet early and make sure to sit in the front seat merely to feel the wind as she runs by. It would take a lot of self-control for Peter not to touch himself when his eyes lay on her when she was tired, sweaty, and panting. Even the very thought arouses him.

Peter would even go out of his way to sneak into the girl's locker room and smell her dirty tracksuit and take her sweaty towels. He would stroke himself with the towels while looking at pictures of her after track that he managed to take.

Y/n doesn't recognize him at all however Peter completely changed after high school. But Y/n on the other hand didn't in the slightest.

And Peter wouldn't have it any other way.

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