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"Jesus what were you thinking..?" You say wrapping Peter's bloody hand in bandages carefully. "I'm sorry just kinda stressed is all..." He said looking down. "And you take it out on that poor mirror?" You ask with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood. He stayed quiet.
You sit up making his eyes shift to you. You take his face in your palms and make him look at you.

"Listen, if you ever need to talk about anything I'm always here. You don't need to feel bad about being stressed out. Bottling up all that shit is gonna make everything worse, so talk to me... okay?" You say soothingly.

His slender arms engulf you in a warm embrace causing you to practically melt into his chest. "I'll try my best." He whispers in your ear. You both smile at each other.


"TK, I don't wanna!" You whine. "Sorry, Y/n it's your turn to mop today especially since you decided to run off outta now where. The boss was gonna fire you ya' know?" They shrug.

"Yes, yes, I'm aware already just give me the fucking mop." You groan snatching the mop away from them.

"Have fun!" They shout with a smile. "Fuck you." You flip them off. All you hear is laughing as they walk away. You walk into the restrooms and immediately want to gag.

Fucking christ this is why I don't eat the food here...

You put the mop in the bucket and begin your god-given task of mopping the tiles. As the minutes go by you begin to space out in thought.

It's been a week since Peter let me go back to my normal job he finally has enough trust in me to let me go scrap up some cash. But he can't seem to be able to talk to me. Ever since his little episode in the bathroom and a few weeks ago he's been more distant.

He's been looking worse too. His eye bags are a lot heavier which I didn't even think was possible, and his actual eyes look darker? They have a dark red hue instead of the comforting blue color they used to.
I'm worried about him, I don't know what's happening to him, but it isn't good.


You finally got off my shift and practically ran out the door. You made your way down the sidewalk the broken streetlights and the moonlighting the way. It was only 7pm but it was pitch black outside.

I don't think I like daylight savings.

You warily looked around the make sure nothing looked suspicious. This is always how horror movies start, and you're not about to be the bitch that dies before they even show the title screen.

Your eyes locked on to Peter's apartment complex and you proceed to sprint down the street adrenaline pumping through your veins. You made it to his doorstep and fished my keys out of my pocket. You jammed it into the lock opening the door with a loud creak. All the lights were off and you didn't hear anything.

You cautiously closed the door slowly making your way into the kitchen. You took the butcher knife off the block holding it close to you.

"Peter?" You called out into the dark. You made my way into your bedroom slowly opening the door. You slowly scathed your hand up the wall searching for the light switch until. A large hand grasped your making you scream. You snatched it away backing up and looking at the open void the door was revealing.

A large figure pounced at you making you crash to the ground dropping the knife. You slammed your head into the ground blurring your vision. They pinned your arms to the sides of your head immobilizing you.

You struggled against the person holding you, lashing around trying to break free. You shook your head trying to get rid of the blurriness, and only when your vision cleared did the person started to speak.

"Do you love me!?"

𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 ➺ 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙Where stories live. Discover now