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"Peter what the fuck are you doing?!" You scream trying to throw him off you. "Do you love me or not Y/n I need to know..." He says lowly still holding you down. "Get the fuck off of me, Peter." You spat.

"I need to know!!" He screamed, grabbing your neck and slamming you down. You scream in pain and glare at Peter, allowing him to see the fear laced in them.

"I need to know. Just please..." He looked at you with pleading eyes slightly loosening his grip. "I should've know this was a bad idea." You whispered looking elsewhere.

Peter's eyes widen, not wanting to believe what you said is what he's thinking. "What do you mean?" He breaths.

You remain silent.

"What do you mean, damnit!?" He shouted gripping your neck again and slamming your head into the floor.

"This, you, everything!!" You scream back in pain and anger. Your grip on his arm tightens as you dig your nails into him.

"You are an obsessive, emotionless human being, incapable of love. You will never love, you will never experience love no matter how much you seek it out..." You spat harshly like watching his anger deplete.

You saw his eyes well up with tears as his grip loosened. Tears were streaming down his cheeks while his mouth was a gap. You ignored the horrible feeling in your stomach and grabbed the knife you had dropped and stab him in the the stomach. He wailed in pain curling into a ball grabbing his stomach and crying.

"Why, why, why..." He repeats weakly. "This wasn't supposed to happen, you were supposed to love me." He cries. You simply stare at him.
You felt a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach as you continued to look at him.

"And even now..." He manages to sit up propping himself on the wall. "I still can't help but love you." He confessing with blush covering his cheeks.

You jaw opens in shock as your eyes begin to well up with tears. You drop to your knees dropping the knife and pulling on the roots of your hair.

What am I doing...

You hear hurried shuffling in front of you and look up to see Peter with a sad smile on his face as he hugged you?

Even now he persists.

"Get away from me I hurt you, I-" He cuts you off. "It's okay, honey. I understand why you did it, I scared you. You were just trying to protect yourself." He says with a small smile. One so filled with joy you almost wouldn't have been able to notice the blood gushing from his abdomen.

"No, no, no! I hurt you I should have listened, I shouldn't have said what I said-" He cuts you off again. "No, it's okay you're right." He says softly.

"I am incapable of love." He says with a close-eyed large grin as his voice cracks while his tears continue to run.

"No shut up don't say that! You are, I was projecting myself onto you that's why we're in this fucking situation in the first place!!" You yelled running your hands through your hair.

It was silent.

You looked at Peter and examined his current state. He was ghostly pale and looked weak and barely moved and it didn't even look like he was breathing.

"Y/n, baby, I just want you to know no matter what happens to me or you, I'll never stop loving you ever..." He says weakly.

You crawl over to him gently hugging him. "I don't deserve you." You cried into his shoulder.
"I don't deserve you." He replied with a small smile.

"How could you say that in the state you're in, and it being my fault!?" You shout painfully.
"This was going to happen one way or another I'd rather meet my end by the hands of you, my darling." He grins caressing your face.

You looked down contemplating what to do, not even noticing the tears escaping your eyes . Your eyes drifted to the knife you had dropped. You crawled over to it taking the knife in your hands.

"Darling, what are you doing?" He raises his voice slightly.

You turn back around to face Peter and his eyes widen. He jerks forward with his hand out trying to grab the knife but recoils back grabbing his stomach.

"Don't, please..." He groans.

"It's the least I can do to make it up to you and besides there's no way I'm getting out of this either way." You say as you run your finger against the blade.

"You said you'd never leave me again, so I won't either." You say raising the knife in the air. "Y/n, wait!" Peter shouts.

You swiftly pierce the knife into your heart all the while looking into Peter's glossy eyes. "No..." He cried with wide bloodshot eyes.

"S-See now t-this way we c-can be t-together..." You managed to stutter out blood coming out of your mouth as you slowly fall into Peter's side. He catches you holding you close.

You lean your head on his shoulder as his arm weakly wrapped around you, your hand limply intertwined with his. You sniff quietly to yourself hearing quiet sobbing sounds come from Peter.

"I-I'm sorry, Peter..." You choke out finally before shutting your eyes. Peter looks down at  your lifeless form and puts his head on your.

"I'm sorry too."

Ending two

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