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You walked to the diner trying to forget about the strange man you had just encountered. A small sliver of your being wanted to see him again for the sole purpose of taking your frustration out on something. No one would dare say you're in the wrong for merely defending yourself against a perverted stranger.

Before you knew it you already made it to work. You give a small wave to your co-workers who were happy to see you only because you're the only one that ever does any work. Your boss asked you if you wanted to be the manager, but you declined knowing you were t going to be working here for much longer since you're going to be moving soon.

You put on your work hat with the diner logo on it as you walk up to the cash register switching places with the last guy who was working it.

You see your co-worker about to walk out the door before stopping and turning around, walking up to you looking nervous.

"Hey Y/n, there's this guy who keeps asking for you I told him you weren't here, but he comes in almost every day so I just wanted to let you know." He says worriedly.

"Um okay, do you remember what he looks like?" You ask, dreading his answer.

"Um, he's like 6,4 or 6,5 pretty tall guy, uh bald. He was wearing a black vest with a dark blue shirt with a half white half black heart on it."

You've gotta be kidding me...

You heave a sigh not going undetected by your co-worker.

"What's wrong? Wait don't tell me, have you seen him before!?" He whispers yells.

"Unfortunately, I saw him this morning." You groan.

"Oh jeez... Please be careful Y/n" He says voice laced with concern.

"Don't worry I handled him I won't be seeing him anytime soon." You wave him off.

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just can, now go and enjoy the rest of your day." You sho him away.

"Alright, I'll see you later." He waves with a smile.

"See ya." You wave back with a small smile.

Once he exits the diner you face immediately falls.

This is something out of a movie or something, I have a stalker...

You eye the door making sure that guy isn't around. You're weren't going to sugarcoat it, you were worried. You don't usually get scared easily so this was new and unexpected. You know you can beat him in a fight, but even the idea of him being near you, watching you. It was unsettling, to say the least.

30 minutes passed and no one has come in yet. You sigh and decided to go to the bathroom and play on your phone for a bit out of pure boredom. You exit after a few minutes and come back out to see...


The tall bald man with a black jacket and blue shirt. You look around to see if anyone else could perhaps take his order but there was no one in sight.

You've gotta be kidding me...

You walk up to the counter giving him a death glare and making his sweatdrop.

"Are you stalking me?" You ask bluntly.

"W-What no of course not!" He stumbles on his words.

"I come to this diner all the time." He defends himself.

"How come I've never seen you here before then?" You ask bored.

"I guess I come in whenever you're on your off days." He laughs nervously. You let out an annoyed exhale from your nostrils as you bring out your notepad.

"What do you want." You ask in your usual monotone voice ready to write down his order.

"Mhmm, you~" He whispers with half lidded eyes. "Excuse me?" You raise a brow and your eyes narrow practically stabbing his.

"I-I mean Utah-styled steak." He stumbles.

"Sir, this is a diner." You say unamused.

"O-Oh y-yeah I know sorry." He says rubbing his neck. "I'll just take a vanilla milkshake."

"Kay." You put away your notepad and go into the back and tell your co-worker the order. They have it out in 5 minutes, you grab the milkshake and set it on the table the man was sitting at, but not before he slightly touched your hand as he grabs the shake while you were letting go of it.

You walk away without another word, looking over your shoulder slightly to see the man waving at you with a smile on his face.

What a fucking creep...

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