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It's been a few days since you've been here and Peter and you just caught up. Well, you mostly caught up since Peter had been stalking you for years he didn't really have much else to learn.

After his parents moved he was still upset that they didn't tell him they were moving so he ran away. He moved to the area you lived in by tracking you down using your social media.

He had been watching you for years after he ran away, and only just recently got the courage to approach you .

"I wish you would've talked to me sooner we wouldn't have wasted so much time being apart." you say looking down.

"Me too but we're together now and that's never gonna change... Right?" He smiles. "Of course not, I would never leave you." You say stroking his cheek. You connect your lips with his, hearing him groan. You pull apart and stare at each other for a moment.

"Y/n..." He rasps.

"Yeah?" You answer.

"I love you please never forget that. No matter what I do, or say that will never change, ever." He confesses lovingly.

"Same goes to you, baldy." I grin. "Hey, that's mean!" He shouts looking offended.

"Aw, I'm sorry do you want me to apologize?" You ask in a baby voice. "Yes." He pouts. You smirk.

"In what form?" You slide your hand up his chest before pushing him on the bed. His eyes widen but quickly go half-lidded when you climb on top of him. You sit on his lap slightly moving your hips.

"Are you gonna make me say it?" He groans. "I need to know what you want." You say innocently.

"Can you.. ride me?" He asks shyly, blush invading his cheeks. "That was fast I barely touched you." You smirk.

"You touching me at all is nothing short of a blessing darling." He smiles lustfully

"That's good to hear, cause I'll be doing a lot of that." You start to move your hips faster.You watch as his eyes light up with excitement and lust. He rubs himself against you eagerly.

You get off of him hearing him groan. You roll your eyes and go to unzip his pants making his eyes light up. He watches you take off his jeans breathing heavily. You stand off the bed and slow begin to take of your clothes making the man on the bed get impatient. He's being waiting for this for so long it's almost painfully how much he wants to be with you. Once you were done you crawled back on top of him making him whine.

"Baby please, I can't wait much long-" He's cut off by a warm tight sensation enveloping his entire member. "Ahh!~" He moans loudly from shock and pure pleasure. You groan as well, taking his while length inside you took a second to adjust too.

"Fuck, you feel so good.." He moans breathlessly, but smiles at you suddenly. "So what are you going to do to me huh?" He grins lustfully.

"Well, I did hear you on my roof the other day and you seemed to enjoy that quite a lot." You smile innocently.

"Wait, you-" You cut him off by grabbing his throat. You start to bounce on his length making noises erupt from his throat.

"So, I'm going to ride you until you cry." You smile down at him making the red deepen ten fold. Your pace becomes more rapid as you start to enjoy yourself more.

"H-Honey, I.. I'm gonna c-cum." Peter choked out moaning. "Aw, already? I barely started." You shrug. "Oh well." You quicken your pace making Peter let out a loud whimper. Suddenly you get off his him and palm his tip making him gasp. He moans out cumming all over his stomach. He tries to catch his breath but you get back on top of him and continuing riding his length.

"B-Baby you can't.. I'm t-too sensitive!" He shouts with his tongue out. You push him onto the mattress and make your pace much more aggressive. You grab his tongue making him scream out in pure ecstasy. The poor man couldn't even think straight, his mind was clouded so much pleasure he practically forgot how to breath.

"I'm gonna cum again, I'm gonna cum again!" He shouts tears forming in his eyes while you still held onto his tongue. You grin and get off again again and stroke his member until he came all over himself. He could barely sit up and his eyes widen when he saw you get back in him.

"Honey, I can't! I-" You shut him up and put a thumb in his mouth. "Shut up, I haven't cum yet. It's not my fault you can't last, pervert." You spat watching his cheeks darken.

You begin to feel a coil inside your stomach and moaned at the feeling of almost reaching your climax. "I'm gonna cum, Peter. Cum with me will you?" You moan out looking down at him. He nods eagerly moaning into your hand.
You quickened your pace chasing your high when you suddenly feel Peter flip you over. He breaths heavily from above you. Just as you were about to speak his shoves himself inside of you making you let out a loud moan.

He pounds relentlessly into you moaning and whimpering loudly as he does. "I'm gonna-" Peter cuts you off. "Me too, please cum with me, please!" He moans. Your eyes widen when you feel the coil in your stomach snap causing you to moan loudly into Peter's ear. He whimpers loudly into your shoulder as he bottoms out into you.

Peter flops next to you and you both take a moment to catch your breath. "That was fucking amazing." Peter breaks the silence, still breathing heavily.

"Yeah, it was." You agreed looking at the ceiling. Peter attaches himself to your torso, holding you firmly in his arms. You notice he already dozed off and rub his head with your hand. Sooner or later you also fall asleep joining him.

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