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You woke up to the sun shining right in your eyes blinding you. You rolled out of bed dragged yourself to the shower, once washed and changed you get into your work clothes. You got all your things and walked out the door heading to work. You had the same familiar feeling of being watched and it was starting to piss you off.

"If you just want to kill me or something 1 won't stop you," You said to the hidden individual.

You got stares from confused people on the street looking at you like you're a lunatic or something. You honestly couldn't care less you'll never see those people again so it doesn't matter. You walked past an alleyway eyeing it suspiciously. Suddenly you hear yelling from behind you and seeing someone running after a large dog that was coming straight towards you. In a panic you jump back into the alley nearly avoiding the dog and the man running after it. You sigh heavily registering everything that just happened in the past 5 seconds.

Suddenly someone grabs your neck and suffocates you with an oddly sweet-smelling piece of cloth. You struggling making the attacker agitated.

"Hold still, darling.." The voice was familiar but you couldn't think straight you felt dizzy and fatigue. Slowly your movements became less sporadic and weakened, until your eyes are filled with darkness.


You woke up strapped to a chair, barely able to move. You struggle in your restraints in a panic making too much noise. The door suddenly slammed open making you flinch and stop your struggle.

"Oh, I see that you're finally awake darling." The man said with a unsettling smile.

It's that guy from the diner...?

"What the fuck is going on?" You asked in a low irritated voice. Even though you were the one tied down to a chair your response made him slightly intimidated.

"Well, I kidnapped you of course. I couldn't have you by trying to be friendly, so I had to use force." His face suddenly darkens.

"Are you gonna kill me or something if so just get on with it already, these ropes are gonna bruise. Oh, also I suggest you melt my body, if you have anyway acid lying around. Ya know leave no evidence behind and all that." You explain in your usual monotonous voice.

"What no!? I'm not gonna kill you, I would never hurt you! I love you more than anything, even the thought of you being in harm's way enrages me." He shouts sounding genuine.
There was an awkward moment of silence. You heave a heavy sigh disappointed.

"So you're my stalker huh..." You say looking at the boarded window.

"I wouldn't say stalker more like determined pursuer!" He grins widely.

"So... why me?" You ask giving him a side glance.

"What do you mean, darling?" He says walking closer and making you look up.

"Why would you choose to pursue me, I'm no one special or interesting. I'm a generally cold and mean person, and hard to get along, it doesn't make any sense." You ask looking down at the crack in the floor boards.

He puts his hand on your cheek making you look up at him. He was smiling softly staring at you dreamily.

"All of those things you said that you think would make me not be interested in you are the reasons I love you so much. I love you because you are a cold closed-off person. I love you because I think you're interesting. You're the most precious thing to me in the world Y/n." He leans down closing the distances between your faces. You stared at him widen eyed surprised for the first time in a while. He's the first person to ever show romantic interest in you, let alone be in love with you. You just continue to stare making him chuckle snapping you out of your daze.

"Ya know, you were quite the catch back in high school." He says casually having now returned to his position standing straight. That comment made you psychically stumble and your eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"I used to go to all of your track practices and tournaments to cheer you on." He says smiling down at you.

Wait no...

"Wait were you the emo kid that would sit in the front row of bleachers every time?" You ask staring in disbelief.

His eyes go wide and he blushes deeply.

"We don't talk about that..." He says crossing his arms and blushing even more.

You burst into a fit of laughter to surprise him. After your laughter dies down he crouches in front of you on his knees.


"That was so cute my love! Please, do laugh like that more!!" He shouts hugging you tightly.

"C-Can't breathe." You choke.

"Oh right sorry darling that just caught me off guard I've never seen you laugh before." He laughs nervously.

"Well, I think it was appropriate. Getting kidnapped years later by the used to be emo kid that you went to high school with." You say making him blush a bright red.

"Wait are you not scared of me?" He asks standing up and quirking an eyebrow.

"To be honest no I find this situation more comical than anything." You shrug. "Hm, can't say I didn't expect that from you, my love." He admits.

"Yeah, I guess when you're not scared of dying things are less scary." You shrug. "Fair enough!" He smiles standing up. You watch as he looks through the window and back to you.

"It's getting late we should head to bed." He says undoing your retrains that were tying you down to the chair.

He picks you up and places you on the bed and then crawls in next to you and beings to cuddle your side.

"Um, can you undo these ropes I won't be able to sleep and it's starting to bruise?" You ask calmly.

"But you'll-

"I promise I won't escape that's the most illogical course of action in this situation." You say staring into eyes his, unblinking. He sighs and looks back. "You promise?" He whispers. You nod.

"Alright but if you do try to leave there will be consequences." He warns. "Alright." You nod.

He turns you around as he undoes all of the ropes. After he's finished you bring your hands in front of you seeing that your wrists are purple.

You sigh.

"That's gonna hurt tomorrow." You mumbled.

You felt slender arms wrap around you pulling you into a hard chest as a chin was resting on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry about that darling I just had to be safe." He says holding your wrist with his hand. "It's fine, I guess." You shrug.

He brings your wrist to his lips kissing it. "There, a kiss to make it all better."

You chuckle laying back down tired and so does he. He wraps his lengthy arms around you putting his chin on top of your head.

"Goodnight." You mumble, already dozing off.

Unbeknownst to you he was staring down at you widen eyed and then his lips curl into a smile as he kisses your forehead.

"Goodnight, darling."

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