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You finally finished your shift and made sure to tell TK your shift was over before you left. You wave them goodbye and started to walk down the sidewalk clutching your knife. You continued to walk unaware of the tall man in the black vest following right behind you.

You eventually made it to your apartment trying to ignore the sounds of your roommate and her 'study buddy.' You walk into your room and flop onto your bed suffocating yourself with your pillow. You pull your head out and look down at the pillow.

"Maybe if I hold my position longer I will die." Yoi mumbled.

The thought made you genuinely smile for the first time in a while. You're not sure why but you find the idea of dying... comforting. Or just death in general, perhaps that's why you're attracted to so many murder documentaries. People like you are the main demographic for graphic content like that. You always find the grotesqueness of the crime intriguing. But your favorite part is the back story. It's like watching the origin story of a villain in an anime, or superhero movie. You're never surprised that the antagonist turned out the way they are after you learn what happened to them.

But what you find most interesting is when their upbringing is normal. They were simply born a monster. You noticed that some of the ones with no trauma are the ones who commit the vilest crimes. They simply get a thrill from causing pain. You always have wanted to talk to someone like that, a disgusting, twisted, demented, individual. And ask them why they do the things they do.

You sometimes wonder the reason you're so infatuated with these people is because you subconsciously know you share similarities. You envy them because they do what you're too afraid to.

You sigh, pulling yourself out of your morbid train of thought. You roll up your sleeves seeing the healing cuts that you had inflected on yourself not too long ago. You fall backwards onto your bed simply staring at the ceiling, until your eyes become heavy and you let sleep take over you.


I think this is the first thing I didn't know about Y/n..

"She's suicidal?"

Maybe suicidal isn't the right word. She's suppressed her urges to harm another person so much that she would go as far as to harm herself, and not even care about her own well-being.

"Oh, darling..." I look down at her sadly. A single tear rolls down my face at the idea of Y/n possibly not getting up to see another day. I kiss her forehead holding back the urge to wrap my arms around her and cry into her shoulder.

"Don't worry my love I'll make sure you live, so I can see your beautiful eyes once more..." I whisper holding her cold hands in mine. I kiss her cheek one last time before exiting her room through her window and making my way up to the roof. I sit on the edge dangling my leg off the edge as I look out into the night skyline thinking about the love of my life.

I hold my hand to my heart almost feeling a sort of stinging sensation from the overflow of emotions. My lungs make it hard to breathe as I'm almost out of breath merely thinking about her. A deep crimson rises to my cheeks as I imagine her under me trembling. My tongue slips out of my mouth as I rub myself on the outside of my pants. It's too much for me so I get off of the ledge and crawl into a dark corner of the roof. I pull my pants along with my boxers down and being to stroke myself as I use the spit from my tongue as lube.

"Ahh, ~ Mhmm oh fuuck~" I try to suppress my moans as I stroke myself to the thought of Y/n riding my cock and choking me.

"Oh fuck, Y/n I'm gonna cum.~" I moan out trying to cover my mouth. I rubbed my palm against the tip of my cock making me twitch and whimper. I started getting louder as I felt my climax coming the whole block might've heard.

"Ahhh!~" I scream cumming all over my stomach as I buck my hips into my hand drooling all over myself.

I catch my breath as I look down at the mess I made. I chuckle to myself and pull out the towel in my pocket and clean myself up. I button up my pants standing up and look back out at the skyline.

"Oh, Y/n... My darling little Y/n... How you effect me so and you don't even know it."

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