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You woke up to Peter hugging you tightly you tried to maneuver your way out of his grasp but it didn't work. You sigh.

This didn't feel real. Meeting your old high school admirer again after however many years. You didn't know what to think.

You feel a stirring from above you causing you to look up, and you're met with Peter looking down at you with half-lidded eyes.

"Good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" He asks his voice raspy and deep. It caught you off guard for a moment, but you quickly gathered yourself.

"As well as you can after getting kidnapped." You answer bluntly.

"I already told you why I did it, Y/n." He says sternly.

"Yes I am aware, doesn't mean I'm too jazzed about it though." You grumble moving his arms and getting out of bed.

"I understand why you would be upset with me, but I did this for you darling." He said also getting up and walking over to you.

"You didn't have to..." You say crossing your arms and looking out the window seeing a horizon of trees.

"What do you mean?" He whispered coming up right behind you and wrapping his lengthy arms and your torso.

"When we first met. You could have said that you remembered me from high school or something, and I would've been fine with it." You mumble staring off into nothing.

"I don't understand?" He says cluelessly.

"I mean you could've approached me with a less creepy attitude, and we wouldn't be in this situation." You spat yanking yourself out of his grip.

"What situation would we been in then?" He snaps, hurt evident in his eyes.

"Watching a movie together at my place or going on a date, not this... not me getting kidnapped and kept in your room." You say disgust laced in your voice as you look at your surroundings.

"I..." He trials off.

"We could have been just a normal couple going on a date but nooo. You had to constantly follow me around, day and night. You just had to stalk me." Your breathing started to become heavy and rapid, your hands started to get fidgety.

"You just had to make feel like Im going to die every single fucking time I woke up!" You shout staring at the ground pulling at your hair.

"I did that to you..." He asked barely above a whisper.

"You know what that does to a person, Peter? Do you have any fucking idea." Your voices was eerily monotone, making Petter back away.

"How do you..?" He breaths.

Your head snaps up at him making his breath catch in his throat. You lunge at him grabbing him by his collar.

"It drives you fucking insane, that's what it does!" Your eyes were overflowing with tears that contrasted the deranged smile stretching your lips. Peter tries to hold you steady to calm you down, but you do it on your own. You slowly raise your head making him freeze.

"All you had to do was tell me who you were, just your name that's all you had to do..." You laugh breathlessly.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about? Please calm down, honey." He holds your cheek wiping the tears with his thumb, but all you do is laugh.

"That's all you had to do, Peter." Your smiles falls and you let go of his collar.

"All you had to do was tell me your name, Peter..." You repeat. You look up at Peter seeing the shocked and confused look on his face. "Y/n please tell me what you're talking about, you're scaring me.." He whispers holding my face.

"If you had just told me your name..." You smile.

"I would've fallen for you all over again!"

𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 ➺ 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙Where stories live. Discover now