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Peter's eyes were wide and watery. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in your neck.

"No, no, no, I didn't leave because I didn't want to see you again, I left because I had to. My dad had gotten a new job out of state and they told me out of nowhere. I was fucking furious, I didn't know it such an impact on you, I'm so sorry..." He pulled his face away from your neck and held your face in his hands.

"I'm sorry too..." You mumbled pulling up your sleeve and running your fingers over the several scars. Peter looked over at your arm to see what you were doing. You saw his heartbreak at that very moment.

"Oh no... Darling, did this happen after I left?" He asks voice filled with concern. You nod looking away. He gently holds your arm kissing the scars as a few tears slip from his eyes. Every time he did he would mumble "I'm sorry" into your skin.

You looked at the ground as he did contemplating your situation and how you got here. Peter took notice of your faraway look.

"Hey, darling look at me." He whispers soft. You continue to train your eyes on the floorboards.

"Please, Y/n..." His voices breaks subtlety. You sigh and gave in, looking up at him. You see him give you a small smile still crying. You fail to return a smile but instead look at your arm.
You let out a small chuckle making Peter look at you confused.

"It's kinda funny, this situation..." You smile. "It all could have been avoided if we had just talked to each other... Back in high school." You laugh, but your smile falls. "This all could have been avoided..." You mumbled running your fingers over your arm once more.

He grabbed both of your hands and pulled you into him, his face centimeters away from yours.
"But we're here now right? That's all that matters." He says softly, putting his head against yours.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You say cracking a small smile. You watch as his eyes go half-lidded as he stares into yours.

"Darling?" He breaths.

"Yes?" You look up at him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks softly, crimson covering his cheeks.

Your eyes widen at the question, but smile at him reassuringly. "Sure." You answer with a sly smile.

You grab his jacket pulling him into you, his lips crashing into yours. His eyes widen in surprise but soon close as he pulls you into him. You grab his shoulders pushing him into the mattress below you, you on top of him. You moving slowly on his lap making him groan. His long tongue slips out of his mouth into yours. You choke slightly not expecting his tongue to be so long. You feel a sudden rush of dominance rake through your whole body. You bit his tongue making him moan in your mouth. His face is beat red and his eyes watery from the pleasure.

But you decided to stop teasing him and remove your mouth from his and get off of his lap. He whimpers from the loss of touch and warmth. He crawls to your on the bed and puts his head on your shoulder and his arms around your waist.

"Noo... Please you can't do this, I need you so badly..." He whines into your shoulder.

"Well I'm sorry, Peter, but you're gonna have to earn it. You still knocked me out and kidnapped me ya know." Younsay stroking his face.

"Please darling I'm so hard for you right now..." He whines more tightening his hold around you.

"You're gonna have to deal with that yourself." You pat his head and walk into the bathroom to take a shower, and block out the lewd noises soon after they come.

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