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Ending two complete

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Day 5 selected


Your eyes locked on to Peter's apartment complex and you proceed to sprint down the street adrenaline pumping through your veins. You made it to his doorstep and fished my keys out of my pocket. You jammed it into the lock opening the door with a loud creak. All the lights were off and you didn't hear anything.

You cautiously closed the door slowly making your way into the kitchen. You took the butcher knife off the block holding it close to you.

"Peter?" You called out into the dark. You made my way into your bedroom slowly opening the door. You slowly scathed your hand up the wall searching for the light switch until. A large hand grasped your making you scream. You snatched it away backing up and looking at the open void the door was revealing.

A large figure pounced at you making you crash to the ground dropping the knife. You slammed your head into the ground blurring your vision. They pinned your arms to the sides of your head immobilizing you.

You struggled against the person holding you, lashing around trying to break free. You shook your head trying to get rid of the blurriness, and only when your vision cleared did the person started to speak.

"Peter what the fuck are you doing?!" You scream trying to throw him off you.

"Do you love me or not Y/n I need to know..." He says lowly still holding you down. "Get the fuck off of me, Peter." You spat.

"I need to know!!" He screamed, grabbing your neck and slamming you down. You scream in pain and glare at Peter, allowing him to see the fear laced in them.

"I need to know. Just please..." He looked at you with pleading eyes slightly loosening his grip.

"Yes! Yes, of course I do! I always have ever since high school, even after you left." You confess quietly, your eyes beginning to sting.
Peter suddenly shakes his head as if he has just stopped dreaming. His eyes widen in shock and immediately he retracts his hands from you.

"I- Darling I'm sorry..." He stutters, seemingly in disbelief.

"Yeah sure you are, now could you get the fuck off of me," You spat harshly.

"Baby, please-" You cut him off. "No, don't do that shit to me. You've been avoiding me for weeks, it feels like forever since the last time I even talked to you." You stomp towards him making him back up.

"And now you're accusing me of not loving you anymore, I mean seriously, the fucking audacity of you!!" You shout punching him in the chest with tears in your eyes.

"No, no, no, please darling, you have to understand I didn't want to avoid you I just-" You immediately cut him off brimming with anger. "You just what!? Have you gotten tired of me ye-"

"NO!!" He shouts, but he sees you flinch.
"I mean no. I could never become tired of you, I love you more than anything in the world Y/n..." He says approaching you slowly.

"And it's because of that I had to avoid you..."
You wait to hear what else he had to say until you heard the sound of choked-out sobs. You look up and see his eyes bloodshot from the overflowing tears.

"I had to or he would've hurt you. I-I... I can't lose you Y/n, I had to protect you from myself..." He stutters out looking down in shame. You sigh and cup his face in your hands making him look at you.

"I told you to talk to me about your problems Peter. I will never judge you or mock you. I just want to know what you're dealing with so we can solve it together." You whispers softly as he sniffles quietly.

"Okay I promise I will next time." He says with a small smile. You smile back and give him a peck on his forehead.

"Wanna go watch horror movies?" You ask tilting your head. "Yes, please..." Peter mumbles quietly holding your hand tightly.

You lay down on the couch and Peter crawls on top of you resting his head on your chest and his arms wrapping around your waist.

You lay there in silence watching the movie for a few hours and you check to see if Peter was asleep and see him struggling to stay awake, his eyes lids closed and then snap open before slowly closing again.

"You don't have to stay awake ya' know get some rest." You say patting his head. "But I want to... stay up with... you." He mumbles drowsily.  "I'm gonna go bed too, so get some sleep." You say getting comfortable.

"Fine." He mumbles burying his head in your chest his arms still hug you tightly.

"I love you, Y/n" He whispers into your neck tickling you. You smile and look down at him.

"I love you too, Peter."

Ending three

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