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"Get off of me." You say rather harshly to the human puppy dog next to you. "But Y/n-" You cutting off his whining. "I have to go to work let go." You deadpan.

"But I won't see you for so long!" He whines holding you tighter. Your eye twitches.

He's actually a child.

"I still have to go to work."

"Please, darling..." He mumbled holding your waist. "For the record, I find you extremely repulsive." You spat, your monotone voice returning.

"That's not what you thought yesterday~" He smirks wiggling his brow. You glare at him making him tense up. "I am still able to leave." You remind him.

"Nooo don't!" He shouts shaking you, your expression which was beyond annoyed. "Peter I have to get paid I'm broke."

"I can support you, I don't make a whole lot but I'll do whatever you want!" He exclaims smiling.

"I fucking hate you..." You grumble.

"I love you too, Honey!" He grins. He lets go of your waist and grabs your wrist pulling you into the living room. You eyes lay upon what the TV is showing and you see...

A murder documentary.

You sprint into the kitchen ignoring Peter's yells and go into the cabinet grabbing the popcorn. You chuck it into the microwave as  you pour sweet tea without spilling a single drop. You hear the microwave ding and you grip the bag and the cup tightly and sprint into the living room jumping on the couch and landing crisscrossed while setting down your things on the counter. You continue to ignore Peter's obvious stare and grab the remote, press play and then proceed to enjoy your popcorn.

"Why was that kinda hot." He finally speaks.

"Are you just horny 24/7?" You ask not looking away from the TV.

"Perhaps." He shrugs. "Only for you though." He says into your ear seductively.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to theorize who killed the Black Dahlia." You snap munching on your popcorn.

"Fine, no need to be rude..." He grumbles crossing his arms looking away.

"Don't start trying to make me feel bad." You say still not looking at him. Peter gets up and shuts off the TV.

"Hey what the hel-" Peter cuts you off. "What will you do about it?" He asks walking towards you. "Are you going to punish me again?" He crawls on top of you. You give him and blank face and push him off.

"No, because that's what you want." You say getting up and walking to the door.

"Where are you going?!" He shouts reaching toward you. "Relax, I'm getting my stuff from my apartment."

𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 ➺ 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙Where stories live. Discover now