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You raise your head to look at Peter who was dumbfounded. "W-What are you talking about?" He stuttered wide-eyed.

"You shouldn't be all the surprised Peter you've done your research on me..." You say skulking towards him.

"You were the only person there for me. You were my first and only supporter. The only person who's ever liked me let alone love me. You were there when no one else was." You smile widely with love in your eyes.

Peter stumbled back slightly but never stepped away from you.

"You thought that I didn't notice your presence. That I didn't notice that every day I would find my things rearranged in a different order with a letter attached." Your voice was almost bubbly now, but somehow still keeping its monotonous tone.

"I kept those letters, Peter..." You grin. "Every single one of them."

"You did...?" He asks breathlessly his mouth hanging open.

"Of course I did, I read one every day before going to sleep." A crooked smile made its way onto your face.

"But why...?" He asks. You walk up to him your chest inches away from his.

"Because silly..." You give a close eyes smile. "I love you!" You shout with an innocent gaze. Peter's eyes widen and his jaw hits the floor.

"You... you love me...?" His eyes begin to tear up. "Aw don't cry, honey.." You wipe his eyes with your thumb. "Of course, I do I have ever since I saw you at my first practice!" You say but your smile slowly fades into a frown which didn't go unnoticed.

"But when you left I thought you didn't like me anymore. I thought that you couldn't even stand to be around me anymore so you had to leave." You mumble your eyes becoming teary recalling the memory.


You was exhausted after the long day at school but the only thing you looked forward to is Peter cheering you on at practice.

You eventually made it to the track, about 10 minutes early just so you can see him. You look over at the same spot Peter sat every day in the front row to see... Nothing.

Where is he?

Maybe he was sick today?

Or running a little late?

Nonetheless, you still kept your hopes up expecting him to come a little later or tomorrow. The practice was over and Peter was nowhere to be seen.

He's never missed one of my practices, ever.

You assumed the worst but was hoping to see him the next day.

But he didn't come.

He didn't make it again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

He left me.

It had been 3 weeks since the last time You saw Peter. Every day you would go home lock yourself in your room and cry until you fell asleep, but this time you didn't. You weren't sad anymore, you were infuriated.

You were angry that he left without saying anything. Angry he had no regard for how you felt would feel.

Angry that.. He never said goodbye.

That day you went into your kitchen and grabbed a knife. You went into your room locking the door. You brought the knife up to your wrist seeing your tear-stained face in the reflection of the blade as you cut.

And cut.

You cut until the pain went away. You cut until you went numb, until you felt better. You felt better not feeling and that day you told yourself to never show how you felt to anyone ever again. 

You much rather feel the cut of a thousand blades than shards of your heart rattling inside your chest.

𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 ➺ 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙Where stories live. Discover now