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The sounds of a knife penetrating skin echoed throughout the room. You look down to see a knife in your chest and thick red blood soaking into your shirt. You look up and lock eyes with bright blue ones.

Peter? What's he doing here? Oh yeah he followed me, I forgot.

His face was riddled with pure horror. You turn to see Don on the ground looking at you terrified. You feel your knees buckle as you drop to the ground. You can't hear anything other than ringing and faded yells coming from Peter and Don.

You feel arms wrap around you pulling you into their embrace. You're lifted from the ground and feel wind hitting your face as the person carrying you started running. You look up to see Peter. His eyes are bloodshot with hot tears streaming down his face that fall onto your forehead.

"Peter?" You whisper slowly before coughing violently. You try to cover your mouth and when you retract if you see blood coating your fingers.

"H-Hey, hey, everything's gonna be okay baby, I promise. Just relax alright? We're going to get you some help okay?" He stumbles over his words while choking back his tears trying to comfort you. It didn't help. You could already feel the remnants of your life slip away from you.

"Hey, Peter?" You manage to muster. "I-I told you to rest darling-" You cut him off.

"If I don't-" He cuts. "Do not say that!!" He yells. He was looking around frantically, desperate for some sort of help, but you were practically stranded. You had no idea where you were and you doubted that he did either.
You look up at him tears in your eyes.

"I-I mean it's gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine." He says much more calmly, worried of scaring you.

"Listen to me, you fucking idiot." You rasps pulling on his vest with your bloody hand. He remains silent. "We both know what gonna happen I just.." Your voice begins to crack as tears roll down your cheeks.. "I just want you to know that I love you, okay?" You confess, using the last of your strength to muster up a wide smile. His eyes went wide and a deep crimson invaded his monochrome features.

"Y/n, I.." He trails off, but just as he was about to speak he was cut off. You choke out another violent cough, spewing blood onto your hand.
"Shit, I-I have to get you to a hospital.." He mumbles, continuing his search.

"You know there's no way out of this, idiot." You mumble feeling your strength slipping away. "S-Shut up! Don't say that..." He cries looking down at you as you look up into his tear filled eyes. "You're gonna have to leave me." You choke out. "W-What..." He breaths.

"Don is still alive, he's a witness. He'll go to the police if he hasn't already." You reason. "But..." He looks down at your almost already emotionless eyes making his tear up even more.

"Get it through your thick skull, Peter. You fucked up and this is the consequence!" You try to shout but it only came out as a louder speaking voice. Letting go of his vest you rest your head against his chest. "I was wondering when all your shit would come back and bite you in the ass. Didn't think I was gonna be the one dealt the short hand..." You laugh weakly.

It was silent for a moment, it was almost comfortable until Peter spoke. "I'm not leaving you." He states with almost no emotion.
"What.." You look up at him. "If you're going to die then so am I." He says stopping his running.

"No, you're not." You grip his vest tightly. He turns a corner walking into a decrepit alleyway. He sets you down on the cold brick wall before sitting down himself. The only thing lighting you two was the flickering streetlight.

"You're not leaving me and I'm not leaving you..." He says monotone as he pulls out a knife from his pocket holding it in front of him. It was silent.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted..." You say with a sad chuckle.  You get no reply and turn to look at Peter to see him already looking at you.
"Ya know, for almost being dead you still look cute." He says caressing your face with his right hand. You immediately smack his hand away.
"Calling me cute isn't going to make me forgive you for stabbing me." You say coldly.

His face falls and he looks down at the ground, filled with even more guilt. "Y/n.." You cut.

"I know you're sorry but sorry isn't gonna cut it." You spat, realize the gravity of the situation and that you were going to die in a moment.
"I wanted to do things in my life, Peter. Now I'll never get the chance.." You trail off, holding back tears. You get no reply.

You grab your stomach as a sudden coughing fit racked throughout your lungs. Peter leaps forward holding onto you.

"Hey, Peter.." You say while wiping the blood from your lips. "Yes, darling?" He looks over at you.

"Could you at least hold me before.. ya know." You mumble out, barely audible.

"Of course." He smiles. Peter's arm wraps around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. Your eyes start to droop and your body becomes weak as you feel the life slowly drain out of you. Your body goes limp and your vision blurs as you slip into infinite darkness.


Peter shakes lightly Y/n to confirm his horrifying suspicion, and it was right. Y/n was dead and Peter was left alone. He takes the knife in his left hand and starts to cut. He cut until his arms were completely covered. He could feel his body becoming weaker as his blood drained. His eyes were barely open as he took one final look at Y/n.

"I told you I wasn't going to leave you again.."

"Didn't I?"

Ending one

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