Chapter 2

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The Slytherin took refuge in the back of the shop, waiting for his erection to disappear. "It's all normal," he kept telling himself. He hadn't been with a girl in over a year: his body was starting to feel it and the testosterone explosion of the last few months definitely made things harder.

Maybe he should reach out to Pansy, for old time's sake.

The thing that bothered him at the moment was that he'd had that reaction to Hermione Granger.  

He had always acknowledged to himself, though he would have never admitted it out loud in the past, that Granger was objectively a pretty girl.  

He first began to notice it after the Yule's Ball.  

From then on it was a steady crescendo. His last year at Hogwarts, he could never forget, was marked by sleepless nights spent in the Slytherin common room listening to his classmates comment on how the Gryffindor had changed over the summer and betting on who she slept with between Weasley and Potter.  

Recalling those memories made the feeling of nausea in his stomach grow again, along with another sensation that he couldn't identify but was just as unpleasant.  

The good thing was that his erection was  gone.

It didn't matter how much pretty she was. He had always tormented and despised her and the least he could do now was leave her alone. 

He finally re-emerged from the depths of the store and walked to the checkout counter to purchase his books.  

Next stop was Madam Malkin's store next door, after which he would head straight back to the Manor, determined to avoid any more unwanted encounters.


Hermione, after her encounter with Draco, fled the store as fast as she could, almost forgetting to stop at the cashier to pay.  

She didn't know what had upset her so much about that encounter.  

She was aware that she would met him sooner or later: she herself had testified on his behalf so that he could have a normal life after the war.

Perhaps she was simply surprised that he had approached to help her and not to insult her, as he had always done in the past.  

A further surprise was the fact that she had met him at the bookshop. It was clear from the books he was carrying that he was shopping for his Hogwarts' return, and she couldn't help but notice from his books that he seemed to have chosen the exact same classes as her. 

She mentally listed all the details that had characterized that brief encounter as she headed to Madam Malkin's store around the corner, trying to find something to justify her reaction.  

Why did she suddenly feel so agitated?  

Her heart was beating at an accelerated rate.

She stopped in the doorway of the store.  

"Take it easy, Hermione," she said to herself, before walking in.

Madam Malkin had prepared everything in advance for the beloved heroine.

She gave her her uniform to try on: shirt, sweater and skirt.  

Hermione hated this part. There were only two fitting rooms in the store, one next to the other, which always made her feel tremendously exposed.  

Luckily, she was the only customer at the moment.

She began to undress, noticing, the moment she slipped off her jeans, how damp her panties were.  

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