Chapter 6

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The young Slytherin lingered well past curfew in the library, repeating occlumency, meditation, and relaxation techniques that he had used before, albeit for different purposes.  

If he had been told one year ago that he would be using the same techniques he used to keep Voldemort out of his mind to be able to share a dormitory with Hermione Granger without risking to jump on her, he would never have believed it.  

Yet there he was.


Hermione finished her dinner and made her way to the tower where the principal's office was located.  

Despite the countless unexpected things she'd encountered during the day, from Narcissa Malfoy's public apology to the news that she'd have to share a dormitory with her son, the thing that currently troubled her and made blood boil in her veins had been Blaise Zabini's sudden attentions.   

She tried to think back. Had they ever spoken to each other?   

She couldn't recall any particular interaction with the Slytherin before that day, except perhaps some minor eye contact during Slughorn's dinners on the sixth year.

She thought of Draco again. He hadn't returned for dinner after Mcgonagall had called him into her office.

What if they were still arguing? Maybe he had refused to share the dorm with her and was still protesting with the headmistress. Maybe, as had already happened in the past, his father would intervene and settle the situation with a large donation of money to the school.

She would find out soon enough. 

She walked along the corridor in search of the painting that, according to Mcgonagall's instructions, hid the access to the dormitory. It was easy to recognize: it represented the four founders of Hogwarts, and next to it there was a shrine with the names of all the boys and girls who had served as heads of the school over the years.  

She recognized many of them: from the oldest ones, such as Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, Minerva Mcgonagall, to the most recent ones, among which there were three of the Weasley brothers: Bill, Charlie and Percy.  

She noted with curiosity that Harry's parents, James Potter and Lily Evans, were also named head boy and girl during their seventh year.  

She wondered how Harry could have not told her about this.  

She felt an immense tenderness towards them.

And finally, the last addition to the list, her name appeared next to Draco Malfoy's.

She felt her legs tired and heavy and just wanted to sink into the bed. She had had a long day.  

She uttered the password given to her by McGonagall, "Phoenix," and entered.

Draco wasn't there yet.

She took a few moments to observe the common room around her. It was almost as big as the Gryffindor common room, but it was only for two. She was pleasantly impressed. Maybe it wouldn't be as awful as she had imagined.  

There was definitely more than enough space both of them.  

There were two large couches in front of the fireplace and each wall housed overflowing bookshelves that were ceiling high. She quivered at the thought of exploring the titles they housed.  

Behind the couches there were two large tables, similar to those in the library.

She would have a space all to herself to study, away from the constant suspicious glances of Madame Prince in the library and the confusion of the Gryffondor's common room. Almost all to herself, she reminded herself.  

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