Chapter 21

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The three Slytherins remained motionless, astonished. Ginny, Harry and George continued to stare at them in confusion.

The more seconds passed, the more everyone's concern grew.

"Can you explain what's going on?" gasped Ginny, turning away from Harry and scrutinizing Draco from head to toe.

The concern of the three intruders was so obvious that Ginny, Harry, and even George couldn't ignore it, let alone believe that it wasn't real.

Draco didn't respond. Adrenaline was coursing through his blood, mixing with his hormones. His magic grew so much that sparks shot out of his wand, releasing into the air like bullets and forcing everyone to step back.

"I have to go to Hogwarts," he managed to say. His tone of voice was resolute and couldn't be questioned.

"We can apparate to Hogsmeade and from there-" Theo was interrupted by Pansy.

The girl took a step toward the blond. Her tone of voice should have been authoritative, but her agitation betrayed her. "Don't even think about it, Draco."

The blond merely lifted his gaze from his shoes, meeting his friend's eyes for a second.

"You'll splinch," Pansy continued. Her eyes were bright and pleading. Her upper lip trembled.  Draco couldn't bring himself to listen to her words. It was as if, somehow, they couldn't reach his brain.

His mind was overwhelmed by the fear, now certainty, that Hermione was in danger.

He thought of her. Of Hogwarts.  

He focused his magic.
He felt it, as strong as ever.

Although it was a quiet evening, suddenly a gust of wind sent everyone reeling. They closed their eyes for a moment, overwhelmed by the turbulence.

  Pansy's heart skipped a beat, and by the time she managed to move her black hair from her face, Malfoy had vanished. 


Draco apparated in front of the Hogwarts's gates.

He knew that he had risked his life, that it was impossible to apparate there, that he could have splinched himself in half.  

The rational part of himself knew that. But that part no longer existed, not now.

His magic was powerful. He had read about it. To protect his omega an alpha would do anything. Anything.

They had seemed hollow and pretentious at the time, but now, as he took off running down the path that led to the school's entrance, he understood their true meaning.

The castle was silent. The Christmas decorations glowed and his eyes were blinded for a few seconds before he got used to the light.

He had a moment of hesitation, standing in the front doorway.  Where could Hermione be? Where had they taken her?

He risked losing his breath as his mind thought that maybe he was too late, maybe she wasn't here anymore. That stream of thought was interrupted when he heard voices in the distance.  

He approached slowly, spying from around the corner the headmistress waving goodbye to two of the teachers and walking alone down the hall.

Yes, McGonagall was the best person to talk to. He waited until the woman was alone, then started walking behind her.

Before he had a chance to flank her, however, she turned, wand pointed at his chest. As soon as her eyes recognized him she lowered her wand, though her features remained tense.

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