Chapter 3

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He was waiting for Pansy in a small restaurant in Diagon Alley. He showed up early, mainly for two reasons. The first, of logistical nature, was to secure a table, preferably in a secluded corner away from prying eyes.
Only a few months after the Battle of Hogwarts he was well aware that the entire wizarding world held a grudge against him and his family and he wanted to avoid a scene in front of his old flame.
The second reason was that he felt strangely agitated, or rather aroused, by the day's events. He kept telling himself that the reaction his body had to the Gryffindor's girl was totally normal and due to his lack of physical contact.
He was certain that seeing Pansy again would have had the same identical effect: it would bring back old memories and his penis and his imagination could finally focus on something else and give him a break from Hermione Granger.

Getting the desired table was easier than he had anticipated. Evidently his galleons were more important than his deployment during the war. He would have to pay handsomely, but he didn't care. He just wanted the evening to go well.
He sat down and started waiting for Pansy, sipping a glass of wine in the meantime. Knowing her, she was going to make him wait. Not long, but enough to be, as she liked to call herself, elegantly late.

Five minutes past their appointment time.
It was still early. She was definitely going to make him wait a little longer. Although seen from the outside he might look relaxed and totally at ease, on the inside he felt the exact opposite.

Ten minutes. 

He kept his eyes on the door. He knew she would be there anytime now, but the closer that moment got, the more nervous he felt. 

Several customers were entering the club. 
He saw a mass of curly hair in the crowd and his breath catch. The blood began to boil in his veins. 
The owner of that thick mass turned in his direction. 

It wasn't her. 

He breathed a sigh of relief. 
His pulse, which had accelerated terribly during those five seconds, slowed down, leaving him in the company of the usual erection that had been tormenting him since the beginning of the day. 

Was he really in such bad shape that he would shrink like this at the mere thought of her presence? 

"Mmh mmh."

He looked up.
Pansy was standing in front of him.
And he hadn't even heard her coming, too distracted by his erection for Hermione Granger.

The evening had definitely not started the way he had imagined.

He stood up, straining to hide the unpleasant protrusion behind the table.

"Pansy," he greeted her. He leaned in her direction and the two of them exchanged a half hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Upon contact with her skin he was overwhelmed by her scent, noting, with much regret, that it was far, far too different from Hermione's.

He felt the girl's eyes on him, squaring him from head to toe. When they were seated the girl grabbed her glass.

"You look good, Draco," she said, bringing it to her lips.


As soon as the flames of her apartment's fireplace ignited, revealing Ron's presence a moment later, Hermione threw herself on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing their lips into contact. She kissed him voraciously.

Though initially surprised by that welcome, the redhead responded to the kiss, resting both hands on his girlfriend's hips. When one of Hermione's hands slipped down from his neck and caressed his side, he took a step back, breaking the contact.
He looked at her for a few seconds.

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