Chapter 16

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I'm slowly posting some of my stories here on Wattpad in the English version. You can find the complete versione of this one on ao3
Thanks to everyone reading and commenting this! I'll post the rest of the story as soon as possible! ❤️

September 1996

Draco walked the halls knowing that this would be his last year at Hogwarts. His father had been clear, he would not be resuming his studies the following year.

And that was logical after all, wasn't it? 
How could he expect to return to school the year after murdering the headmaster?

He laughed to himself, bitterly, shaking his head.

Of course he wasn't going to kill Dumbledore.  
The meaning of "last year" held a thousand facets, a thousand different meanings. His likely death was one of many possible scenarios.

He wondered how it would happen. 
Would it be Dumbledore who would kill him, during his attempt to assassinate him? Or Voldemort after his failure? He wondered which of the two options would be better.

Surely Dumbledore, or some other member of the order, would make it as quick and painless as possible. Voldemort, on the other hand… He would have tortured him first, for hours, physically and psychologically. And his parents…

A shiver ran down his spine, sweat began to form along his icy skin.

Someone put a hand on his shoulder and he jumped in fright.

He turned around, finding Theo Nott beside him, a bored smile on his face. 
He tried to resort to what Professor Snape had taught him, clinging to occlumency.

"Why that funeral face, Draco?" the boy asked. "Do you miss your beloved Snape yet?"

The blond frowned, remembering that this year they would have a new potions teacher, Professor Slughorn. 
If he didn't have other things on his mind he would definitely be annoyed by that news.

He loved Professor Snape, and he especially loved his absolute disdain for Potter and the Gryffindors. It amused him.

He walked into the classroom, sitting next to his friend as one by one several students made their entrance. The professor introduced himself, beginning the lesson.

Not even five minutes had passed when Granger's hand rose into the air.

After giving a series of correct answers to questions he didn't care to pay attention to, the professor asked, "May I ask what your name is, my dear?"

Hermione seemed initially embarrassed. Her cheeks turned red and she lowered her gaze before answering. "Hermione Granger, sir."

"Granger? Granger? Could it be that you are related to Hector Dagworth Granger, who founded the extraordinary potion society?"

That idea strangely sparked something inside him. He knew that Granger's parents were muggles, but… 
What if it was true? What if Granger had relatives in the magical world? 
Then she wouldn't be a mudblood.

If Hermione Granger was a pureblood?

His heart began to beat rapidly. 
God, that changed everything. 
He began to stare at her, now for the first time, without the veil of prejudice. He realized, in that moment, that he desired her.

A series of images jumped to his mind: the two of them together.  As a couple. In a reality where it would be possible, in a reality where she was a pureblood and he could have her.

He leaned toward Theo, his mind still in turmoil. "Do you think that could be true?" he said.

  His friend shrugged, disinterested.

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